
Absolutely brilliant display of acting from everyone, especially McKean.

Get a real Richard D. James/Aphex Twin vibe off this Edit: I realize I'm probably the 1000th person to comment this

What a disgusting travesty. I can't believe someone would willingly inflict so much pain on so many innocent lives.

I came here expecting a disappointing mashup, like maybe someone just dubbed death metal over a children's band performance…but nope, title sums it up perfectly. Great Job, AV Club!

One of my favourite podcasts, 30/20/10, looks at the current week in pop culture history 30 years ago, 20 years ago, and 10 years ago. I learned from a recent episode that around this time 10 years ago, Tim Allen was starring in Wild Hogs, which somehow grossed over 168 million, ahead of Knocked Up and slightly behind

I think I figured out how Sum 41 wrote all their songs

I thought Bobby Canavalle did pretty well within the bounds of the cliched material; I wouldn't say it was a horrible performance necessarily, just a bad role.

He did an album of Soul Coughing covers through PledgeMusic a couple years ago. His mission statement was to "make [the songs] more like what I initially intended them to be" and to "separate the songs from that darkness" he associated with the band.

Richard Cheese's cover of "Hot For Teacher" is one of the most badass things to ever grace this planet

I know Dan Bilzerian isn't a tech guy, but the bearded macho douchebag billionaire schtick reminded me a lot of Bilzerian in this episode

I think the band must think it's about the '62 British parliamentary purge because their reverbnation url is "thelongknives62". Then again based on their drummer I don't know if I trust their sense of time

Listen I know it's a bit weird to get all serious in the AV Club comment section, but this is getting ridiculous…Happy and Ain't it Peculiar have nothing in common other than the tempo. I think the same is true for Blurred Lines. I know people are quick to crap all over Robin Thicke because of his well-deserved slimy