Li'l Bitty Maggie Pie

Advocating prison justice lowers us all as a society. Especially because it tacitly acknowledges that our prison are corrupt and dehumanizing.

As a Los Angeleno who long ago tired of Eekos writers complaining that they have to stay up past 9:00 pm local time to watch enough games to, you know, do their fucking job, that is EXACTLY what I’m saying, brother.

“Sure my team drafted Kwame Brown and gave Gilbert Arenas the worst contract in sports history but look at this fucking trash fire”
*note: a fellow Wizards fan

What’s with the disproportionately high number of Knicks posts relative to all other NBA franchises here on deadspin?

I think it lessens the incentive for people to apologize for and make up for past mistakes if people refuse to give them even the slightest bit of credit for doing so.

Black cats are the BEST! I’ve always had black kitties. The current one is a one-eyed beast that loves ghetto fried chicken and grabbing ankles. She is FIERCE!

I’m not sure why we should expect extensive late night coverage of an event that happened that day. Particularly since most of these shows are filming in the afternoon only a couple hours after the story broke.

Aw! I love black cats! I had a petite little black lady cat like yours whom I adored (RIP) and I big ole’ wildly long hairs black gentleman who was legitimately crazy (whom I also adored and also RIP).

Chano is a goddamn treasure and the champion our city has needed for a long, long time. His “what are y’all doing?” line really drove home the absolute uselessness of the elected officials who have a million and one excuses for why they really have to close that school in a poor black neighborhood, but hey, would you

Wait, I thought he was the good one, the one staying on to keep the Drumpster fire in line?

He’s got to keep sucking up to get those sweet scoops! I presume if he’s ever pro-player they’ll cut off his insider status.

Went scouring the grays to make sure I wasn’t repeating someone else; fuck Adam Schefter so fucking hard for that phrasing.

Have we met? I got in a huge thing at Dragoncon last year about why I’m not really a fan of Roddenberry’s vision of Star Trek and nobody could understand where I’m coming from. Like, TOS is progressive for its time and what he could get away with in the late 60s, but by the time you get to early TNG and you’re still

Looking forward to the It’s Your Fault You Got Hurt banner that’ll unfurl for next year’s home opener.

And then has to go under-c0ver within the London PD, lest they know he is Asgardian.

Here’s to hoping for the best, then!

I also haven’t seen all of The Muppets Go Medieval.

I hope the players union is saving the “He feels as if the owners have made a lot of money” quote for the next round of collective bargaining.

Ok, but if I punch you in the face and you forgive me, I still haven’t made amends.