Li'l Bitty Maggie Pie

Did the check not clear? Because they paid for a 4-1 victory.

I’d say the more worrying thing is feeling you needed to use mediocre-to-bad starter John Lackey in relief on consecutive days.

John Lackey Blame Odds

Hey, a team that isn’t Maddon-proof! Jawwwwwn Lackey for the 9th inning hold after giving up runs the day before!

Your contempt for this show makes your reviews thoroughly unenjoyable to read.

I don’t understand why AV Club has designated reviewing this show to a guy who clearly doesn’t like it. For anyone reading, this show is absolutely compelling and interesting if you’re at all interested in serial killers, psychology, and period pieces. This is the best show of its type since Hannibal sadly went off

I’ve been at this site over 7 years, and while I usually don’t complain about the reviewers, even when I don’t agree with them, I have to say that this has been some sloppy criticism. I mean that in the professional way, because if something isn’t working for you than fine, that’s your subjective prerogative, but I

Maybe a reviewer who understands text and subtext, doesnt need everything spelled out for him, warns about spoilers and DOESN’T GO ON ABOUT FUCKING MUSIC ALL THE TIME might be a better fit.

The egg-salad sandwich scene is not “unsettling” for Holden. This is just what Kemper is very good at: manipulation. Please stop reviewing this series, you seem to understand absolutely nothing about this subject.

#13 80 rap is trash? Spoken like a true millennial. The rap god dropped Rakim dropped “Follow the Leader” in ‘88 and no one can still touch his poetic ness and flow! NWA, De la Soul, Krs-One, Big Daddy Kane you can’t touch the diversity of the golden age of rap which is considered from ‘88-92. Btw 

I can think of some crazy motherfuckers who’d like to discuss your take…

Strasburg started two games in a five game series. What other game should he have started?

Great post! (Just kidding. Deadspin ‘writers’ throw up what amounts to an extended tweet and get ‘authorship’ credit.) I love zero analysis! 

I still think this season is an anomaly. His OPS was a full 200 points higher than his Minor League career. Pardon my French, but that shit is quite cray.

Awesome write up Danielle. I’ve been through the same things as these other guys. Relationships either dissolve or never even start because I don’t believe. Luckily for me I’m with a woman who doesn’t mind my outlook like I don’t mind her spirituality. Being in IT and single for a while, I thought about going Mark

There is a lot more going on in tennis that you can write about that is more interesting than the daily crap you write about this dipshit.

So bored of tennis articles about the same dipshit all the time.

So bored of this chump already

It’s almost as if this act has grown tiresome and uninteresting.

Man, maybe stop writing about this douche until he’s not a goddamn joke anymore.