
Das haengt ueberhaupt nicht auf ein technisches Misverstaendnis.. Er und VW haben geluegt. Klar. Einfach. Genau wie wenn es in Europa aehnliche Regeln gab und sie haben das Gleiche getan.

Total bullshit.

Ya, the history of Porsche leaders being “enthusiastic” in pursuit of company greatness is well documented. There’s Mueller’s Ur-predecessor, second from right, in what was for The Professor Doctor a happier time. Posted on Gawker, Monday.

It’s no lack of understanding, buddy. They had forever to practice interviews and know what to say in this country. He literally, flat out, said they “...didn’t lie.” They lied multiple times in a continous loop during this time period and kept digging themselves deeper. They lied in German and they lied in English.