Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

My reaction to your comment as it went through my head.

Whatever. Ravi is totes the hot one.

Why aren’t we talking about that dress?!? Fucking spectacular and that geode ring? I watched last night with 2 guy friends and 3 girls and we ladies gasped in unison when they focused on those shoulder pieces.

“My bride and I believe..”

Indeed. Even people just recovering from caveman status can see that!

She can afford it cause my daughters insist on watching The Parent Trap twice a month on Netflix. Lohan better send them a thank you note.

Is this like that thing if you blow on your thumbs hard enough you get boobs?

Man, nuisance alligators at Disney are the worst. They’re always talking to you about their pins as if they earned them and didn’t just give a vendor money to wear them like anyone else who wants to fork over the change. Oh look at you! You have a limited edition Nightmare Before Christmas Haunted Mansion Halloween

Love this!!

From I am most pleased.


You must have no idea about John Lewis’ role in the civil rights movement of the 1960s or how powerful sit-ins were for that movement. If you did, you would not be calling this childish.

Agreed. In the interim, enjoy this picture of my cute dog? She loves you, I promise!

Children when you want to praise them for their Simple Ways and adults when you want to punish them and animals when you want to dehumanize and stoke fear against them.

Honestly, I think this is a function of age, maybe? I’m not sure how old you are, but I’m sure it’s much more common in your 20s. I am in my 40s, and my partner does not drink (he’s 45). At this point in our lives, no one thinks twice about it. Perhaps it’s because almost everyone knows someone who doesn’t drink for

maybe this is just me being biased but i read that last sentence as “yikes” switching from one substance to another isnt usually great.

i feel like this applies

I was this close to having to explain to the director of my company, during an on-site inspection, that I was loudly laughing at an anal joke.