Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow


I’m not trying to co-opt the moment, but her online work and advocacy to find the killers of young women of color and poor women re: Unsolved and “Cold” cases were almost second to none. The exhaustive work of her blog along with her ability to gently but firmly take police and investigative agencies to task for their

You are a magnificent bastard for this.

lol, am i the only one who finds this funny?

More like this

So with you on that.

How are we to distinguish intent when what we must rely upon is behavior? Rather than trying to parse what is internal and therefore implied, but not wholly visible, by over examining every action is pointless. If McGorry or any celebrity discussed another political issue, like the ever-popular environmental causes,

I’m 90% sure that the reason I didn’t get a public defender job is because I answered the “what part of the job would you find most difficult” question honestly with something like “as a feminist, defending rapists and being forced to use a ‘she led him on’ defense if there was nothing else available.”

I brought u food.

Jezebel, you need to stop. My boyfriend and I are VERY HAPPY. Stop making me have intense nether feelings for matt mcgorry. I get it, he’s wonderful and woke and perfect and symmetrical and um nvm I’m leaving my bf. YOU HOMEWRECKERS

i’m honestly starting to get a little worried about him

I would understand the uproar if people suddenly found out that the food they were eating was not vegan- that would make people understandably very upset.

1993 gall bladder removal here. I vividly remember that very last gallbladder attack to this very day. Surgery was a breeze but no one told me that after eating for the first time of the day and after certain meals that i would need immediate potty time.

The only part that baffled my personal elitist sensibilities is that she has somehow managed to have never heard of Ted Cruz even though he’s been running for president for the past 684 consecutive months. That’s a level beyond just “not following politics.”

That, my friends, is why he’s winning the nomination.

Fuck that. Just heave the whole suitcase into the ocean and walk away.