Like, not saying I don’t hate getting those but there is also the visceral satisfaction I get from popping one of them that always makes me really pleased when I do it... It’s disgusting, but still. :s
Like, not saying I don’t hate getting those but there is also the visceral satisfaction I get from popping one of them that always makes me really pleased when I do it... It’s disgusting, but still. :s
Tonsil Stones are the foulest things that ever emanate from a human body, by a factor of about 4.
I am so glad I finished my lunch before reading these
NO, my classmates were surprisingly chill! I mean it was obvious right then that I was sick as fuck so when I came back to school it was like it’d never happened. Big ups to my Snipes Elementary 2nd/3rd grade combo class in Wilmington, NC! You guys were da best.
Well this was gross and semi-impressive too. When I gave birth to my first I had to be induced. My labor wasn’t progressing like they wanted so the Dr came in to break my water. She told me that I might feel a little trickle and then there was an audible pop and my water sprayed out a good three feet from my body. The…
Not super gross but scary and weird:
I had a cyst on my head. It was gross and I had no idea why, as a healthy, normal 24-year-old woman with exceptional bathing habits, I was cursed with such a thing. Anyway. There it sat. Every now and then I would poke at it, get squicked, leave it alone for a few more months.
I had a baby, then about 24 hours later passed a blood clot the size of a loaf of bread. My husband still talks about it.
I was taking a shower and washing my butt, as you do, and pulled on something. Kept pulling. Started freaking the fuck out. Threw whatever it was against the wall and kept freaking out. Thought for sure I had some sort of intestinal worm. It was a rice noodle. That I pulled out of my butt.
The miracle of life is a beautiful thing. The act of giving birth is fucking disgusting.
Yeah, giving birth was pretty gross experience overall. Also, no one really sufficiently warned me just how gross the bleeding for weeks after birth would be. I had these INCHES, almost a FOOT long, stringy, gluey clots coming out of me for almost a MONTH.
Yeah I think Barry forgets that Mark Shrayber used to work here! God I miss Mark.
For some reason I decided that using a neti pot for the FIRST TIME EVER, immediately after eating Carl’s Jr (aka Hardee’s, depending on what part of the country you live in), was a grand idea. I started laughing so hard upon seeing water streaming out of one nostril (I am easily amused) that I swallowed a ton of salt…
I vomited and shit my pants at the same time in 2nd grade, in the classroom, while we were playing Heads Up 7Up.
I respect that even though he’s a dude, Barry knew to use the universal gif for “PERIODS ARE THE WORST” as the lede image.
I lost basically all of my blood out of my back end a couple years ago. Sat on the toilet one morning and woke up on the floor with a large knot on my forehead and a trail of blood behind me. I continued to bleed in the hospital and ended up needing a double bowel resection. I received 16 pints of blood during that…
So you’re like a switch hitting shitter
finally, the stuff that i was waiting for!!!!!!!!!!!! what took you soo long?
Is this supposed to be an April Fools joke, because I don’t get this at all...