Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

Yeah, exactly. And would he even know how to act on those options if he was aware of them? I think young people who get famous fast end up on a rollercoaster that never quite stops long enough until they’re well and truly sick of it.

I feel like this is Brittany Spears all over again. Too young, too famous, no other options.

Always nice to hear a senator state his choice to take away rights from his constituents.

No, I should have explained more. I’m glad I’m not someone I think Trump would find attractive because he is a hideous moonbeast. XD

I love Chicos for this. They have tees of various lengths that are of good quality, knit, and not sheer. I like these because they are easy to dress up and down.

Yes, this is me too. And, uh, Outlander, because that show is fucking awesome.

I’m grateful I don’t look like her.

At least their ties match.

You can pry my CW shows out of my cold, dead hands. With their inclusion next season of Supergirl, pretty much gonna be perfect forever.

I’m not seeing any wolfhound, but a metric ton of collie for sure!

I can nail it with my older dog looking at the camera 95% of the time because he responds instantly to me blowing raspberries. Younger dog, not quite so much.

I touched Chris Evans once and it was a religious experience. Get it, Jenny.

Courtney Stodden is my favorite trainwreck to follow. She’s so weirdly at peace being bizarre while trying to be sexy while trying to be a grownup.

I had to save this and then send it to my sister, and I cannot stop laughing.

Ouch, good to know.

There is a lot to unpack here.

It’s like all these people had brain abortions, and they seem fine with that.

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

I hope to be that tough and with-it at 72. Good on her.