Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow

People keep blowing fuckwads.

Does she have a website of her work? I’d love to see it.

I think this style is super cute! And you’ll never know HOW it makes you look until you try it on. Well-tailored clothing can surprise you!

I’m one of those ladies who saw the dress she loved online, tried it on, cried, and got married in it. However, I did try on a ton of other dresses just to make sure. I had one appointment.

Psst, don’t use a brush on your wigs! Use a comb - it won’t remove as much irreplaceable hair!

Polite adults ask before climbing over other people.

Pretty sure it’s a colloquialism at that point, as irritating as it is.

Howabout “Dress as your favorite animal.”

Psst, from the article:

Fuck you, James Holmes!!

I think the people who aren’t allergic to bedbug bites live in blissful ignorance because those things are SO GODDAMN ITCHY.

I was trying to come up with something witty to say, but this is just gross.

Way to double down on not understanding the point of this article.

Man, you fairly critque

I'm only going to Bogey's party if he serves brie.

I like their insistance that being gay is a "belief." Okay, then.

Serious question: when, exactly, would Anita be "enough" of a gamer? Saying that she (or anyone else) is or isn't enough of anything is serious gatekeeping because it reiterates the idea that only certain people allow others entrance into some gaming club.

The video makers edited out the white people. There's a great article on Slate about it today which discusses that fact.

Depending on where you live, housekeeping may not speak or read English. We always write "thank you" on a note with some money on top since it's one of those phrases that is pretty universally understood and haven't had an issue with it.

Is it a convention weekend? IS THERE COSPLAY?