In regards to the record time, those shows are filmed much earlier in the day than they air. So her behavior, in part, was not from staying up too late.
In regards to the record time, those shows are filmed much earlier in the day than they air. So her behavior, in part, was not from staying up too late.
What proof do you have that it isn't?
His eyeglasses aren't enough? :P
You are correct and everyone agrees, even if they don't know it. :D
In the end, nothing beats how real hair looks vs. a wig. He's got the right look already.
I think it's a good question! But reading all of these really personal stories shows how easy it is to have those accidents happen. It's a lot easier to have an ATV flip over and break a neck then it is to have a car do the same thing.
Let's compare that line of thought. In cars you're most likely covered by metal with a roof over your head, airbags in the doors, etc.
They are not my area of expertise - I have no clue!
I know this is anecdotal, but I have heard so many horror stories about ATV accidents from people I know. From hurt pelvises to death - these things are terrible!!
There are male cheerleaders too. Go troll somewhere else and pull your sexist head out of your ass.
Go judge people somewhere else. You know nothing about her reasoning about why she got a tattoo.
Funny, I thought tattoos were more than trendy - they are parts of many cultures with rich, long histories. "Appropriate" is in the eye of the beholder.
"No hats" is a pretty easy rule to follow and doesn't single out either sex.
Oh, please. Tattoos are not inappropriate.
I drink more because putting delicious scotch in my mouth should be done frequently before I die.
Did your college experience involve walking uphill both ways in the snow, too? Because it's beginning to sound a lot like that.
Shit! Darn it, kinja.
Yeah. She fell off a horse.
I imagine we're missing the vocal aspect where he means it in sympathy and humor.