Something like that. They both have GEDs but i think they dropped out of formal schooling and took online classes.
Something like that. They both have GEDs but i think they dropped out of formal schooling and took online classes.
I see a bit of Josh Brolin in the scruffier pics. 2018 Hawke can clean up, he just seems to mostly ngaf
I spent one full day with british cousins and by the end of the day I was asking if they could pass the crisps with a clear inflection. I stayed in an AirBnb with a French Canadian host and a similar thing happened. It’s funny thought that when i purposely try to do an accent, I butcher it so badly
There’s a reality star with a show that I watched on and off as a guilty pleasure. She’s in her mid to late 20s and fun to watch but time after time she picks guys who have never been in serious relationships or expressed any desire to be in one and are just generally immature. But meanwhile she’s essentially planning…
Oh he has. Technically. He did an interview with the AvClub where he doubled down on his victim complex.
Ir’s always interesting to see the intersectional blindspots of people. I dated a white, autistic, non-binary lesbian who grew up on welfare after a divorce and was abused by their parent as a child. I’m a black bisexual woman who came from a poor family although we weren’t on welfare. It was astonishing when I…
I really enjoy how the show does that. I saw someone complaining about it and feeling as if scenes were cut out.
I saw in an interview he said the kid made a constant growling sounds in his crib shortly after being born and still does so they went with the name because of it.
She met him at 14 as a judge on X-Factor and then they started dating when he was in his early 20's, long after the show had been off for years and the band was at peak popularity. It just looks bad because she’s woman in her 30's who’s ready to settle down and he’s essentially making his first steps into the real…
I’ve only ever seen him on Graham Norton where the first time he had to tiptoe around the story of how they got together because he said she’d be uncomfortable with him telling the story on tv and then most recent time being a few months ago, where he was talking about their kid’s 1st birthday party where he…
I see what you’re saying. I just think all of that could fit in one episode or wait until next season. Ruth and Russell are very new and rushed and uncertain. Russell said he’d been watching and listening to her over the past few weeks enough to know about her Ruth Gordon meanwhile Ruth hadn’t noticed because she was…
Even the Shenanigans screen had my brain setting off alerts but i’d also been spoiled so who knows what I would’ve originally thought. I’m interested to see next season whether the show will explore the AIDS Crisis more explicitly
I don’t think Sam pulled a “Me Too” on Ruth. They’d been bonding the whole day and both were vulnerable and awkwardly slow dancing. I wouldn’t say it was him taking advantage or assaulting her.
I appreciated both the gay and lesbian stories this season. Arthie is finally embracing what she wants by trying to give up ‘Beirut’, leaving med school and acting on her feelings for Yolanda. It was little moments sprinkled throughout the season of her finding her feet. I thought they might’ve gone the way of Carmen…
It’s flying over quite a few people’s heads but I think it’s just a certain amount ignorance and lack of knowledge of the queer experience and queer history. Some people seem to need more exposition or an outright explicit mention to click that this was an AIDS related gay panic and that Bash is very deeply closeted…
Marc is very similar to Sam. He’s a former coke addict who’s had a string of bad relationships and often has to keep in check his angry, insecure and petty side.
I’d consider it to be his best work as well but you might also like his recent comedy special ‘Too Real’. It’s pretty funny and he’s pretty likeable in it.
Sometimes can a show can be be too subtle if you don’t already have some background knowledge of the situation. Vulture’s got a recap that assumes the Bash’s cleanup crew thought he killed a guy. I’ve seen theories that Bash might not have…
Sam was a scumbag in the beginning and treated Ruth like crap but eventually she wore him down so he was slightly less so and as he knows how much Ruth has saved his ass. This season he had no one to reign him in and felt insecure and the scumbag attitude came back in full force.
It’s ironic how both Lost Girl and Wynonna have similar trajectories of behind the scenes stuff messing with the storylines. Lost Girl got 9 extra episodes after the second season had already been plotted out and had to take some potential s3 ideas and cram them into s2. So when s3 actually came around they seemed to…