
Youtubers like this are the new generation of Radio Shock Jocks; empty and vapid content that aims for trashy and offensive, disturbingly popular, and annoying as all fucking hell.

Sexist barbarian based off Kronar from the Oglaf comics (nsfw). We had an inquisitor in the party. Due to some bad roles he was unable to get information from an npc. Due to my blatant sexist outlook, I wasn’t able to believe anything she said, so I ended up getting the information we needed after she got angry.

This is the standard boilerplate “it’s bad employees causing the problem, our policies are great” memo they send out to cover their ass. Internally they’re hoping it doesn’t spread nationally and become common knowledge.

soo.. Gamestop isnt changing their policies, or even their goals. they dont condone the extreme actions, but they certainly dont make it any easier to not do it.

Amen. First, drive all of the local trade out of business. Next, enjoy huge profits by selling used stock at the same price as new, and much higher than the rest of the market. Finally, watch as the internet and emerging markets make your concept completely obsolete. They’re trying to wring blood from a stone now.

So, what you’re saying is juries award settlements most based on if they like someone or not and it has little to do with the merit of the case...

Really cool to hear, Mike. I showed my parents some of the recent Switch game trailers like 1, 2, Switch! and, while they’ve been impressed by games in the past, they said, “now THAT looks like fun!”.

That’s when I realized that I would soon be playing Milk with my family and I am now terrified.

Please remember that the employees are just trying to put food in their mouths, they’re not the bad guys.

I think it is part that they know they are soon going to be unnecessary. Digital downloads are leaping forward in market share and you can always Amazon a physical copy and have it waiting at your house on day one.

Worked for Gamestop for 3 years as a store manager. I was fired for paying my employees out of pocket to help me out off the clock because corporate pulled all my hours during Christmas time so I was soloing a fucking store by myself. I doubt none of this.

Having worked at Gamestop for a short time, I am in no way surprised by any of this. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll never shop there again.

No. I don’t think it’s too early at all.

Also, how Trump’s disregard for the deleterious effects of his words upon Mexico wrecks his stated aims, on two fronts: forcing young Mexicans to consider crossing the border, and halting the flow of people back to Mexico

Now playing

Bonus: Since you won’t hear this song in the US release due to some license rights, here’s the amazing Japanese version of the opening video:

I know some of you really really want to pretend to have the high ground and suggest we *don’t* punch Nazis because civility is the only way to move forward.

“I do think that games shouldn’t be “censored” in general”

This is some disingenuous horseshit, The windwaker runner literally said “ this is the cosmohop, named after narcissa, or cosmo at the time” thats it. thats not deadnaming. using someones alias isnt a dead name. sweet lord.

Mass media in the U.S. is wholly controlled by just 6 corporations. 3 of of them known neocon bastions. The other 3 leaning very right.