
6th term Republican from North Dakota 39th District.

Aww Yis.

Putting this out as a reminder, abuse doesn’t always involve physical harm. You don’t have to have bruises in order to seek help from a shelter. Threats are abuse. (This includes threats of suicide if you leave.) Breaking your possessions is abuse. Punching walls is abuse. Withholding and/or controlling money is

The problem with that line of thought is this : say they DO pay the 100 grand....well, whats to stop the hacker from demanding more? Nothing has changed except he has money now, he’s STILL as capable of leaking info. If you pay him he’ll just ask for more.

Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.

There are some trolls here suggesting that the Sioux didn’t want to participate in consultation, the exact opposite of the facts, so I’m dismissing them (they seem to find me every time this subject comes up) and leaving this here;

I once went to a lecture years ago where Barney Frank explained (paraphrasing, from memory), “Look, I’m not a company like McDonald’s. If I were, I’d be terrified if 49% of the population despised me, and would do everything in my power to make them happy and win them back. But I’m not - I’m in politics. 51% wins.

Now playing

This is the internet. That exists already.

Not for nothing, but when it goes in reverse it sounds like the T-Rex roar as well.

The only people that will pull this country to fall are the people who can’t walk in the gray, or see opinions from a neutral perspective. Actually, the entire upheaval we “think” is going on right now is completely falsely manufactured in people’s minds by their obsession and contribution to social media outlets.

This is entirely appropriate:

if im in a squad with my bros tho I always like to play medic. But the body releases are frustrating, some ppl just press space immediately I guess.

lol. his commentary about revives is on point.

Not a die hard fan of Nintendo either and I do really like the concept. I’m not much of a handheld person though, but it does appeal to me that I can continue to play whatever I’m playing at home on my way to work, or during travels, or whatever. I think a lot rides on how powerful the machine will be.

Rockstar: We’ll reveal the existence of Red Dead Redemption II this week! We’ll even premiere the trailer, too! It’ll be the biggest gaming story of the week! Nothing can stop us from taking over the news cycle!

The internet in a nutshell:

CryEngine is a graphics (and mildly game) engine which leaves most of the basic game design choices to the game itself. I’ve played with it, along with Unity, Unreal 4, and Haxe/Flixe, and the key bit is CryEngine is NOT a total game engine like RPGMaker. It’s mostly about the rendering. You can have radically

The test did exactly what it was supposed to do. The idea is not to hit the ship but to send a shockwave through the ship to test shock mounting of equipment and other various things. Knocking a engine off its mounts could be just as bad as a direct hit if it knocks your ability to move out.