
lol. When in doubt, blame it on Matt Ward. If you are right, you did the world a service. If you are wrong... well fuck Matt Ward anyway. He’s an ass.

Isn’t that more a symptom of being a good multiplayer game rather than F2P? Before F2P people played Quake and Counterstrike for years and years. In fact there are still people playing them.

And using this definition as a base, censorship is not necessarily bad. According to it, an editor convincing the author to edit certain parts out would be censorship. Or the author deciding himself that he would do it, would be censorship. Changing anything at any point because you don’t think it’s “acceptable”

I get that some people are annoyed by Nintendo selectively editing the game for Western sensibilities (it’s not censorship can we please stop using that term) however this seems like a good compromise. The mechanic just seems a) completely unnecessary and b) the potential for controversy is so great. I dont want

I expect a sophisticated, mature, nuanced, enlightened story mode will be included.

“and though we can assert our intentions are pure, there’s no way to prove them.”

Looks like this tossed (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)

Oh. I thought you were gonna talk about the PS1-esque or DS-looking

Or I don’t know maybe call it grater Tokyo metropolitan area... So still Tokyo... Like Tokyo game show is at the same place and still call it TOKYO game show.

One day, I hope we get this back in full-force:

Yes yes yes yes YES yesyeyseywes. I want this so badly.

Now playing

This map is another totally inaccurate recreation!

Now playing

And the other 1% of the time, it’ll be something like this:

Yeah, it’s a fairly straightforward class-based shooter with 21 classes. I wonder what’s confusing people so much? The existence of ultimates? It’s from Blizzard? There are women in it? It’s colorful? As long as people remain hung up on the initial wrong assumption that it was some kind of Smitelike this’ll keep

This is not a MOBA-like game.

really does explain a lot

Here’s another, good luck everyone!