I just see it as such a double standard on Jezebel specifically. Jinni’s comment was incredibly shitty and I find it odd the reaction she’s getting when I’ve seen massive pile-ons if anyone dares question Kim K.
I just see it as such a double standard on Jezebel specifically. Jinni’s comment was incredibly shitty and I find it odd the reaction she’s getting when I’ve seen massive pile-ons if anyone dares question Kim K.
My eyes are bulging out of my head. Replace Taylor with Kim K. What do you think the response to Jinni would be?
Oh my. That hand definitely is nowhere near where you’d expect it to be for a photo op.
The Kim tapes didn’t prove Taylor lied. She always objected to the line “I made that bitch famous”, that was the only line we ever heard her complain about. Kanye only told her about the line “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex.” She said, “That’s like a compliment, kind of...” but the line he follows it…
She did say that she was scootched over as far away from him as possible and when you look at that photo that is exactly what’s happening. The Kanye thing was juvenile bulshit payback for him humiliating her and she got caught out but in this case the photo does look like exactly what she described.
Swift’s body language alone in that picture is a tell that something wrong is going on. She is actively leaning away from him.
And there we have it...Swift is blond and white and therefore the enemy to a certain segment here. SMH. I don’t even think she “lied” about West or that those stupid tapes proved what some people claimed they proved. But you know, I am familiar with the black man>any woman dynamic among some here.
I want so badly to agree with you. I’m starring your comment. And then I remember what a fierce feminist she was in denouncing Kanye’s lyrics about her, and ....... not quite as truthful as she first appeared.