
Literally no one has said that

Bad example. Abortion is illegal in Saudi Arabia unless the pregnancy is a grave threat the mother’s health and then requires three doctors to sign off. Financial burden or an inability to care for the child are not considered reasons for an abortion. If anything you’re arguing to not allow that type of fundamentalism

Actually under muslim law a wife must get husbands permission to just use birth control. So, yeah. A woman having domain over her own body is not a concept in that religion.

It is much worse in many places. That doesn’t make it perfect here, for sure - or even good, in many cases. But you don’t have to take the absolute inversion of a bullshit argument to deal with it. Eliminating nuance from issues like this doesn’t make them easier to deal with, it makes them harder to deal with.

The great thing about being a thinking person is that you can criticize both the limitations placed on women’s bodily autonomy in the United States, and also states where women are literally put to death for having sexual intercourse whilst unwed. There’s no need to imply that we shouldn’t be critical of others until

I mean, I see your point, but radical Islamists are literally enslaving women.

The horror of the latter doesn’t negate the horror of the former.

I have no idea about that either. I’m assuming a duty of care once he came out breathing, but it boggles the mind.

I know this raises huuuuge ethical considerations, and would be an interesting debate if it hadn’t happened horrifically in the real world, but WHY would they resuscitate the foetus?

Same here. My first encounter with him was this video.

The internet also tells me that no one outside the internet recognizes or cares about Benedict Cumberbatch. I don’t believe it but it must be true.

song is very annoying

Weird how?

Like, I kind of agree but I’m wondering if people who find it a little creepy have different reasons than I do. For me, I’m squicked out by the relentless insistence on sexualizing a woman at every stage of her life, *even* when she’s about to birth another human. Like...can we catch a break for five

I hated “All of Me” from the moment I heard it.

I still don’t know who Billy Eichner and almost all of those people recognized Will Ferrell. I guarantee you plenty of people don’t know or care who he is, either. Relax.

To be fair, I didn’t know who Billy Eichner was either. I think most of the people recognized Will Ferrel but were a bit stunned by the surprise appearance.

So we’re all suffering a witch to live?

Your answer isn’t blaming Lena Dunham for someone else’s technical mistake so expect to be flagged.

I went to the technical Emmys once and we spent about 20 minutes before the show filming “reactions”. Cheering, laughing, clapping, etc. They definitely be editing for the best reactions. Maybe Kris was in the bathroom during the joke.

Too much botox. That’s my point. He looks really waxy.