
Totalitarian definitions of feminism like what you describe are irrational. Examine your language, “You can’t have a march like this” without your particular priority of WOC inclusion. Essentially it is identifying that your ideology is more valid than those of the organizers, regardless of any nuance.

“We’re not

Pretty sure you entirely missed the comment. Would you be vehemently against a protest on WMD management if the organizers only focused on chemical and nuclear, leaving out biological and radiological weapons?

Subverting political actions of others (in this case women’s march protest organizers) by disagreeing on

This is a common tactic to subvert political action. Take a women’s march and inject racial strife and discontent, suddenly you dramatically reduce the potential yield from it. It’s great to have a movement for BLM, great to have a movement for whatever the women’s march is branding itself as, but injecting strife

Or go to literally any other banking institution, since they have been so unreliable...

So the argument is that someone that donates a bit of money has in some way helped my circumstance? Assuming that I’m not a beneficiary of said funds, how does Kaep’s advocacy help me?

Even if it is a tax plan geared towards the rich, those standard deduction doublings and expanded child credits are actual money in my

Pretty sure you need to go read the actual words in the oath again.

I like how you say what’s happening to men is meaningless and in the very next paragraph contradict that statement.

I think you missed the part of the Atlantic article in which they pointed out all of the interaction off-ramps that were bypassed. The difference between “let’s chill” and “no” is the difference between consent and rape. The reason people make a big deal of it is that “let’s chill” is subjective. If he had waited even

Since when does Panera offer cinnamon scones?

I missed the part where an apparent woman can mansplain. Is that not sexist? It would be more accurate to say womansplain in this context, though the latter would be just as meaningless as the former.

Blaming climate change for a city’s complete lack of priority on infrastructure and desalination/water purification plant investments is pretty crass. While climate change is a big deal, it doesn’t excuse horrendous infrastructure.

Reactor meltdowns are much different than nuclear weapons. Fallout shelters and the like are typically set up to minimize your exposure to the fallout after the initial burst. The radioactivity decreases exponentially afterwards (assuming air burst, not ground). Reactor meltdowns produce a ton of exceptionally nasty

I’m seeing the accusation but not the meat of why liberalism is to blame for the backlash. Care to elaborate?

I’m confused, are we supposed to be ok buying stolen goods from a fence out of a trunk?

I could put the 3 PCs, 3 servers, 2 RAID enclosures, 2 tape drives, and many peripherals into our dedicated server room, but they make ideal heaters. My cube is the warmest in our row, and also the servers make for great white noise generators to make it easier to ignore everyone else’s phone conversations.

What is an elergy?

One thing I don’t see on here a lot is something I’ve observed quite a bit in my time. Abuse survivors have semi-truck-size blind spots for their family members, especially if those members perpetrated abuse on them. Her tweet looks more tragic to me than a bandwagoner attempt.

That’s quite the exposition to say that ordinary people and actions are unremarkable.

100% you could use a lesson in mathematics.

It’s just the same infection that happens to both sides. From Corker knowing nothing to Pelosi wanting to pass a bill to find out what it says.