
Dude can’t get people to celebrate his inauguration voluntarily so is now trying to trick America into celebrating some non-sense holiday so he can retcon history for the future and claim that people always celebrated his inauguration for all time.

Someone just throw him a fake prom, convince him he actually traveled

In the same vein that we have used Benedict Arnold as shorthand for traitor, if the name Trump were to become so toxic, so steeped in corruption, and so damaged that in the future to be called a “Trump” were equal to the lowest degradation someone could throw at a politician. I would find some small satisfaction in

I have a feeling that Trump has spent the better part of his life convincing people that he’s not the worst person ever. At some point you would think a person this disliked would either learn to deal with it or self-reflect to change his ways. But nah, he’s Trump, everyone else is wrong.

I will forever point to the election of Trump and his cabinet whenever someone denies white privilege as a real thing.

This is why at the very core, I truly believe that even with all the gaslighting, even with all the distracting, and even with all the “look at me” straight-from-the-hip rhetoric Trump knows that he is essentially the most hated-person in America right now and as he lays down in bed, he blinks into the night mentally