Like Ike

pfft…. u can teach me to go pro

Its a tug o war between whether healthcare should be a single payer system or keep it to the private companies, who yes… run off profit. Its the law of quantity vs quality. as quantity goes up… quality goes down.

your blind

ladies ladies…. calm yourself. I know the truth can hurt but im merely here to help cure you from the disease of liberalism. the treatment is harsh, but like chemo, completely necessary.
Every day we learn how the website is just the tip of this disasterous ice berg. Amazing how even the all knowing and powerful bama

Much agreed rexwolfe. The above are just dissapointed that only 99% of television programming follows their liberal agenda. And their right…. its not that they cant follow along, its that they cant think for themselves… pitty.

how stupid and mornonic can the above people be. Truly one of the best episodes… and thats hard to do. Just because south park doesnt follow the liberal agenda like every "conformist" show on tv. Absolutely destroyed Obama and his crap health care plan and even showed him passing blame to Sebelius… GENIUS!!! Why