
You guys! That was just... the nicest episode of TV I’ve seen in ages. Michael Shur’s comedies deeply love their characters and, really, just about everyone other than librarians. Which is why I’m positive that this afterlife isn’t as unforgiving as it seems.

Also, Michael won me over this episode. It might be a

As long as I’m with you guys, I’m always at the Fake Good Place.

I felt weirdly overjoyed for Mindy. She’s been consistently honest and helpful this whole time even though it doesn’t matter to her. Cocaine and warm Stella for everyone.

The fact that Michael was just whispering ‘something something Vicki something something” over and over again killed me.

I’m so happy for Mindy St. Clair!

Not just Derek.

I feel like making unsuspecting people angry is the goal of any parody.

I loved the moment where Molly pulls out the VHS tape and says ‘What is this?” and then shakes it. It was funny and super, super sad.

I can’t believe this story was up for an hour and 53 minutes before someone finally made the obviously low-hanging reference to 16th century Dutch humanism!

In the original he had no intention of tricking the woman into falling in love with him, he just wanted her money and servitude because she was a heinous beast of a rich snob. He was dismantling the class system! Not sure how this is any different. Still kidnapping and Stockholm Syndrome. Listen, the original was hard

“negates the creepiness with a simple gender swap.”

wasn’t stuff like this one of the worst things in 2017 according to you guys

As the debate continued to heat up— and Dumas’ light-hearted trolling continued to draw the ire of humorless drips everywhere

Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.

They missed a chance for this one to be God’s Not D3a3D.

Did God find the Infinity Stones yet or is he still just floating around on that stupid throne?

Jesus is the titular character, but Judas is really the lead. Although Jesus needs some pretty big pipes too. Hardly an unimportant role.

(Dis)Honourable mention goes to Kinja.

Jumanji on a loop would easily be a better President.