This is my Burner.

No, your example is just not applicable at all to anyone that was trapped in their homes, which was most of the southeast region of Texas. The ones that weren’t trapped were forced out of their homes which are now flooded with feet of water and now live in a refuge center with hundreds of others. But in your world

Fun aside: if we really want to get into Okinawa though, remember that Japan itself is technically an occupying power of another culture that’s been under Japanese rule now for quite a while. So is Japanese travel kitsch around Okinawa also appropriation?

Well NOAA and NASA EO articles suggest otherwise.

If economic theory is based on the idea that people will drive into disaster areas to sell water...

This is why I laugh when people act offended when “looters” break into closed supermarkets. If the flood took away my wallet, am I supposed to embrace a noble death?

Yes, why don’t flood victims just act like rational consumers and comparison shop for the best deal on water between price gougers? Let the free market decide who dies of thirst!

Can I ask you a strange editorial question? Why did y’all go with “Beckies” as the plural here instead of “Beckys,” if there was a particular reason?