
Why would you do that? Are you self defeating? This is feeding into the hands of the systemic patriarchal objectification of women?

Oh, geez. This dad. Could he not wait until the kid leaves the room to voice all of his stupid concerns? Of course the kid’s upset, dad is giving a running commentary of how all her toys are going to get destroyed.

Perhaps the possessor of that shrill whiny voice should be fed to the bears.

you have way too much time on your hands

If the little brat had put her toys away, the bear wouldn’t be eating her Bubble Guppy car...

I’m two months pregnant at the moment and all I can see in the world are bratty, whiny kids and I’m really questioning my decision making skills.

I had to mute. The shrill whiny voice made my ovaries curl up and die.

this girl is living my dream and is being so ungrateful about it

I’m offended that anybody would ever willingly choose to walk through Times Square.

I often put the condom on for them. That alleviates the “waiting awkwardly” moment, makes things a little sexier, and ensures it’s on correctly.

We're snakes in a pit now? Where have I been? I thought we were still lesbian shit asses. Sorry guys, I have some redecorating to do.

What Billboard should be asking is: "Why are you all still trying to make Ariana Grande happen". Her tickets are on groupon for a reason, she's a piece of shit and sounds like a chipette.

It is sort of like Fox’s insistance that there’s a war on Christmas.

If What Women Want had been an expanded version of the Bette Midler therapist scene it would have been amazing. Instead it’s a weird ad for Nike with a strange ‘will she/won’t she’ sideplot about a seemingly suicidal woman (from what I recall). It’s fucked up.

My bear senses are tingling... I’m getting a really strong feeling of deja vu, like I’ve read a story almost exactly like this before.

I caught "The Holiday" on cable a couple months ago, and it was fucking excruciating.

I think you’re cool and all but I’m glad I don’t know you because fennel is delicious.

The best is that he has to keep quiet about being gay because his own people are less accepting than the white Bowdain-educated devils he’s fighting against.

It’s nice that Black Lives Matter has been talking/shouting to the people already on their side. Looking forward to them taking that message to the Trump, Rubio, Walker, Fiorina, Carson, Kasich, Christie etc. campaigns. It’s the people in those audiences who need to hear it and see it!