Lani Mendoza

Bobby, please clarify if camels were edited from the original motion picture masterpiece!

2 seasons: summer and almost summer

I purchased NARS velvet matte lip crayon in DragonGirl after being told it was a universally flattering red and I was convinced I’d leave this world without finding a hue that didn’t make me look like I just came off my extra shift from the moulin rouge. I have to say it’s my new favorite thing!! Highly recommend

Very partial to Anne Klein Sports flat which I wore when I worked retail and had to be on my feet ALL day. Supremely comfortable and long lasting.

Cash cab *squeal*! I’m truly very sad that Girls is ending, I relate to Hannah in many ways and it was awesome to see a nasty girl like me out on tv :) Shameless, US or UK?

Pretty much. If someone I knew less than 24 hours commented on my simple grammar mistake you’d get HELLLA EYE ROLL. Priorities, my dude.

I may totally share that idea with a friend couple of mine!! They’re not librarians, but they do have these crazy detailed bullet journals that run their lives. The only shows I watch that occur on a weekly basis (no cable for me) are from my HBO/Showtime subscriptions and are almost about to end! Homeland Season Six

Really! I grew up in a house with guns (Army folk) and my ass would was exposed everytime I even so much as TOUCHED the keys that opened the case!

Starred* for da kitty.

I am so sorry you had to go through that and alone. Losing a furry best friend is a very singular kind of pain and my heart goes out to you tonight <3

I love that you have a TV board!! Do you keep track of the episode you’re on with each show or is it more a planner for daily/weekly watching?? Also, how do you like Archer? It’s on my list, but besides Anime I don’t really watch that many cartoon shows!

TV thread!!
Unemployment has struck, ya’ll, and yours truly has not felt that awkwardness of having an empty account and no biweekly DD to refill it like...ever. Luckily this gave me a great chance to catch up (cough) on some TV!

Yup! As a brown woman traveling with an arabic boyfriend, we like to err on the side of “lets not get killed tonight in a random city”.

Not uncommon at all. Speaking as a LA native here born to LA natives that are both not white and racist-y. My dad even voted for Trump. To build a wall against Mexico. He’s Mexican. You should have seen my family’s reaction when I brought home my boyfriend. Racism is really not uncommon in this area especially for

“Nuclear Shade bomb YAYAYAYAYA”*

Do you mean this specific Assad or the entire regime? I ask because I don’t know much myself but I do know people from Syria that have told me otherwise about their feelings towards the current regime than what main news and people who have never been to the area before have said. 

Head guy is actually a woman and she is from India.

Yea, maybe. I don’t hold out just because their CEO is a woman and not white. Once you reach a certain level within a company like Pepsi, I believe you sell your soul, everything that came with it, and will exploit anything that turns a profit. In this case, it was us.

Bobby this was so good I actually saw it in my head. Do you know how amazing that is I think they call it an imagination or something idk

But you can be spoiled and rich and still be woc. I think it would have taken effort yea but not that much to incorporate that into the story with more than one character. Although I’m sure it’s more realistic to Monterey but I wouldn’t really know...