Like a rock

One year I tried to buy one and gave them a deposit and when I went to go pick it up and pay for it they wanted $2,000 extra plus it was the wrong color so I told him to keep it give me back my deposit and I never ever bought one since. How to lose a lifetime clientele customer and their business works the same way

I usually turn on the Mercedes paint heater with with the key fob when it’s really piled up high and after around 5 minutes when it’s all clear I hit the gas with the four wheels locked in and I take off to Burger King of course for the bacon double Cheese Whopper, onion rings and whatever. Then it’s back to the tanni

My Chevy started falling apart almost right away and at the 14 months point they decided not to warranty anything. The paint peeled off ...all of it. But it took an excruciating 4 years. So by the time I had it paid off it was the ugliest thing you’d ever seen. Then I had it completely repainted and it peeled off

He was being harassed by multiple lesbian gang member people. He should have blasted them all with a shotgun if it was a movie

IfIf you had your life savings invested in a place you would want the people that were the most financially capable to update everything all the time and have everything looking perfect and absorb a price increase now and then and get a good return on your finances. You wouldn't want to start a business with somebody

Now that I think back, I’m finding it incredibly hard to believe it’s even still attached but in perfect working condition, considering that my women, who tried they’re best to tear it up in one way or the other or the other, always had the happiest of endings. At least it should be snapped or exploded or something

Should get free all fluid changes, wash,wax, belt too. Owner does 5 swats on kids butt in public.

One day I bought a motor on the internet from a guy who actually put metal shavings in a brand new motor. all I had to do was check the oil. I never bought another one from him again. It wasn’t a joke. He was just an a-hole who was mad I beat him up for $50 extra on the motor. I made sure it got around that he did it