
Eventually you play for hours on end as the comfort of the chair allows you to play for far longer than in a normal chair. You sink in its folds as it envelopes you. The neck brace is your neck. The backrest becomes a permanent vertebrae. You become an amorphous blob, effortlessly transitioning between chair and

Is it, though? It read to me as written with affection and humor, not so much condescension.

It’s so hard to decide on which way to be insufferable on any given day.

No. No it’s not.

I really don’t get the complaints about the multiplayer. You create a lobby or join one, invite friends and post a quest. They join said quest and you’re off. It’s not complicated.

I ran into the actor who plays that dude while crossing the street en route to a bar and he had the perfect Jean Ralphio response. I made eye contact with him and started to say “oh shit” and he jumps in front of me and yells “I KNOW, RIGHT??”

He’s not in the bad place- he’s in horsey heaven where he traded his legs for angels wings

And yet, regardless of the massive streamlining and equally massive quality of life changes, we still have folks who claim that the combat needs to be more ‘newbie friendly’ because they don’t really want Monster Hunter, they want something that doesn’t punish you for bad choices -pretending- to be Monster Hunter.

They are ever evolving fights, kind of like Fury except instead of the boss just getting lots of new moves they also move to new locations changing the methods you can engage the boss with.

These people are gross, but when you normalize casual sex, don’t act surprised when men try to maximize their rate of said sex.

Meanwhile Monster Hunter World, a game that lacks loot boxes and promises free updates with new content, sold 5 million worldwide on its opening weekend. There is evidence out there that a game can sell tons without the boxes.

where would you say this game is like doing your taxes

Ah, heh, I’m not one of those guys. I have a lot of “smart” friends who make the “according to my Facebook feed right now it sounds like the sports guy put the sports ball in the sports place! go sports!!!” and I wanna field-goal kick them out a window every time. My “Did you know it’s OK to like sports?” part of this

They must have a small team who already had most of these in the pipe and saw no reason to hold up till Sept. Or it costs them nothing to cater to the folks with WiiU’s who still want content while they wait for a redesign or a price drop in the Switch to jump over.

I am An Old but also from that vast swath of the midwest that inspires feelings of fleeing as far as possible and the fear that somehow, you will be dragged back anyway, so it did connect on that level.

Steamworld Dig is definitely worth all the nice people’s love. I think I have it on every possible platform at this point. Just love that whole series so much. I keep meaning to try Night in the Woods, but what if you aren’t in your 20s and have definitely resolved how much you hated your hometown? Would older cranky

I get what you’re saying, especially in regards to Nikki. One of the (numerous) reasons I will never run for office is my parent.

this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers