This is a good point, and I sometimes thing we need to update our dialogue when it comes to racists. We've at least convinced the world that racism is bad, which is good. However, now people have gotten the idea that
This is a good point, and I sometimes thing we need to update our dialogue when it comes to racists. We've at least convinced the world that racism is bad, which is good. However, now people have gotten the idea that
I was thinking that. Your wife was caught smooching someone else? Here have a beer. Your wife was caught smooching Justin Bieber? Sorry there is no way you're ever going to live that down.
Wow. This was a great interview for her. She riled up her base, blamed black people, and cried so it looked like everyone was picking on her. Ugh.
Using the n-word isn't even the worst thing she's being accused of. The bullshit she allowed to go on in her restaurants is incredibly appalling. Casual racism, sexism, verbal and physical abuse. Even if she never used the word she deserves what she's getting right now.
This was sickening to watch. Her picture should be in the dictionary under White Women's Tears. No mention of her treatment of Black employees. No mention of her waxing nostalgic about slavery. She and the MSM have narrowed the entire controversy down to her use of a slur and now she's playing the victim. It…
All of her talking points came from her fans on Facebook. Bad idea Paula. It just underscores her resistance to really understanding the issue of race and white privilege in America. But then again, most American people don't understand race and white privilege. Why do I expect her to try?
She's so sorry, so sorry that she'll blame those dumb Black kids and vow not to change a single about herself.
ATTENTION WHITE PEOPLE: "Paula Deen used the n-word a couple of times." wasn't the only racist allegation in that trial. Educate yourselves before speaking about this matter any further.
It amazes me that many of the same people who step up to "defend" Paula Deen and claim she shouldn't be fired for being racist are the people who, in any other situation, would defend to the death the rights of private businesses to do whatever they want whenever they want. AKA, FIRE EMPLOYEES WHO ARE PUBLICLY RACIST.
I didn't think we'd see it so soon, but this is the first situation affected by yesterday's crucial Supreme Court opinion, Guy Who Wants To Do A Half-Hearted Tyrannosaurus Rex Impersonation While Getting Arrested v. United States.
Well at least they can clear him of any illegal arms possession charges.
He definitely killed that guy. I mean he got caught smoking pot in college. Connect the dots.
Begone, before someone drops a filibuster on YOU, too!
I cannot wait to watch the Wendy Davis biopic starring Connie Britton that I'm writing in my head right now.
I was there. It was amazing. The noise leading up to midnight was deafening. No riots from where I was and I left about 2am central time and it was really quiet. So let's keep up the noise on social media! Tweet! FB! Flood tx senators pages with support and your disapproval!
My buddy who lives near the capitol is describing it as being damn near a riot at the worst point. I'm glad to hear so many citizens realize what bullshit this is, and that so many are protesting against the time shenanigans afterwards.
If you have to lie to get people to follow your agenda, have you ever considered that maybe it's because your agenda is wrong?