
If you refer to the Paula Deen fiasco, there's so much more going on there than just her using the n-word. It's a poor use of her mouth to discuss the facts that she wanted black people serving as 'slaves' at her brother's wedding, and I'm not inclined to excuse that or dig around for ways to "explain" it, especially


Will someone please explain to Ms. Rice that racism is not acceptable regardless of what region a person hails from and also how penises work? This tweet and her Sleeping beauty series have lead me to believe she is ignorant on both subjects. As a consumer I am pleased as punch that she was outed because I don't want

Crucifixion AND lynching. She's just missing "Holocaust" to complete the "she did not fucking use THAT word" trifecta.

I'm sure Anne Rice chose her word intentionally and for effect.

Of course white people are mad. I wouldn't imagine any other demographic would be mad at the woman who wants to make a business based on the acceptance of slavery. The Facebook posts under the various NBC, ABC stories, etc. show how far back Americans really are in terms of science. Racism is illogical. There is

So many great ones on there.

Paula Deen defenders are bad people because they're rotten on the inside and care more about the nice white lady from the teevee keeping her job than about the people she's hurt with her comments and behavior over the years.

This has happened to me several times; I'm mixed but don't immediately read "black" to most white people, so they'll say things in front of me they wouldn't say in front of other black folks. So some ignorant asshole will drop an N-bomb, the air will go out of the room, and one of my friends will oh-so-helpfully blurt

It's not a derogatory term for a black person. It's a derogatory term for all black people. A person who stole from you didn't steal because he's black and you're implying otherwise when say nigger in that case, which in turn implies that all black people steal.

Stay strong. Someday, maybe we'll have a white president.

Oh for fuck's sake. You sound like a terrible human being. If somebody pickpockets you, call the goddamn police instead of trying to hurt the offender's feelings.

OH MY GOD, why are we still having this conversation in 20-fucking-13?

You can call anybody whatever you want. The rest of us will call you a racist. Fair trade.

You shouldn't call people racial slurs because it implies that the problem you have with that person is not their actions but their race. It implies that you think they are bad or have done something you do not like not

Umm, you do realize the person referenced in the letter was white, right? Which explains the title? And if she were Asian it would be titled "So what should I do if my Asian friend uses the N-word?"

Because you're using a word that insults ALL black people, dumbshit. If a black person steals something from you, you call them an asshole. Seriously, why the fuck are white people so damn UPSET that they can't say "n—-er"? What in God's holy name do you think you're missing out on?

Because insulting someone based on the color of their skin implies that you think that yours is somehow superior. If a white person stole from you, you'd probably call them an asshole, not a cracker. It's ok to judge people based on their words or actions, because they have control over that and that shit matters.

Is this your new friend?

I have a "friend using the N word" story from like 25 years ago. So there's a large group of us hanging out at someone's house, drinking beer, etc. Everyone is white except for me. Friend's brother stops by with his dog - Friends brother is white, but a total surfer/rasta/stoner dude into reggae, etc. Talk turns

How does that come up on a date?