
Has Anne Rice always been this batshit? I've never paid attention to anything she has said prior to today, so I'm not too familiar with her personality.

I'm really sick and tired of the "southerners don't know better" excuse. I can write a whole essay on why that excuse is horseshit. You're making progressive, liberal southerners who hate the n word look bad. If southerners don't know what they're saying is wrong, then how come most racist whites don't say racist

I'm really mystified by Anne Rice's response to this controversy. I'm reading through her responses to people responding to her post. She admits that what Paula Deen said was vulgar and insensitive, but she still doesn't see why she deserves the consequences she's gotten? She's a fucking public figure. Having her

Right, because Republicans never do that. They never forgave David Vitter or Mark Sanford for their transgressions.

Has anyone read the comments on the WND website? There are people who say that this school is adopting Muslim beliefs because segregating females from males because guys have impure thoughts is not a Christian belief.

I think they're both gay if you ask me.

I can't believe this is real. This is the kind of stuff you see in movies and go, "lol this would never happen in real life". How low does your self esteem have to be for you to consent to being brutally whipped just so a group of douchebags will accept you? They beat him like he was a goddamn slave. I don't care if

It pisses me off how society demands women to change their actions when it comes to rape, but rarely tell men not to, you know, rape. No, us women need to limit our experiences in life because there's a chance some guy might not be able to control himself and he'll go and rape someone. And if that happens, the woman

I never cared for Paula Deen nor am I not surprised that a southern woman is racist. I love all the people here who are shocked about this. And for the record, no, I don't think EVERY person from the South is racist but don't tell me racism isn't rampant or out in the open down there.

Right? Women need to be responsible for men because obviously we're put on this Earth to make sure they don't rape us. It's not like men are responsible for themselves. That's insane.

No, I'm not okay with that, but I'm also not okay with 16 year old boys taking advantage of a blacked out girl who cannot consent to sexual activity. Interesting how that wasn't one of your concerns in your original comment.

Exactly. The only way women can prevent from being raped is if they never leave their house, and that's a) impossible and b) terrible advice. Therefore, women are not responsible when a man takes it upon himself to commit sexual violence.

No, what's sad is YOUR comment. Plenty of parents tell their daughters not to 'put themselves in that position". Guess what? That advise doesn't work. Women are still raped no matter what they do, and NONE of them ask for it. To put blame on the girl because she had the "audacity" to go to a party and get drunk is

It's not that strange. Just because she played the role of a victim doesn't mean she's sensitive to the issues of sexual assault victims. respect for Serena just vanished. Fuck her. Also, I'm sick of people saying, "I'm not trying to be offensive, but I'm going to say something offensive". Either say it or don't say it.

Anyone else care more about Solange's look than her music? She always slays me with her cute outfits and hairstyles, but I can't get into her music. Sorry.

That looks weird to me, I don't know why.

The show is the definition of a hot mess. It's trashy, but watchable and entertaining. My friend told me that.

"Frat plays humiliating, racist, homophobic, 'prank' on mailman".

Explaining that teenagers make racist, homophobic statements because they're underdeveloped IS defending them. You're basically saying, "hey, they're just kids! leave them alone!", which absolves him from his words, and that is bullshit. Why should teenagers have to be grouped in the same category as him? Like I