
Yeah, fuck all of that. I'm not going to defend this little shit's language on the internet on account of the fact that he's a teenager. Yes, teenagers are under developed, but at that age they know right from wrong. There are plenty of teenagers who don't think throwing around racial and homophobic slurs is

Fuck this motherfucker.

I'm going to try my best not to come off angry in my comment because you said a whole lot of b.s. here that tick me off.

I don't find it hilarious when anyone says "nigga", regardless of their race. The fact that the word has become acceptable in the black community saddens me, but I can't force people what to say.

I've seen a few people defending this kid, and their defense is that he's going through a "rebellious phase" and we shouldn't take them seriously.

If they think saying nigger is funny, they're racist. End of story. The fact that they think it's no big deal to joke around about it makes them racist. Please do not defend them in any way possible.

Oh look, a decent Republican. *looks outside* omg, PIGS ARE ACTUALLY FLYING?

If Kanye is gay, then who impregnated her? And why would she claim that Kanye is the father of her child if he's incapable of having sex with her? You don't have proof that he is gay.

Lol I'm not taking this seriously at all. I don't care that much about Kanye or Kim but that doesn't mean that sleeping with other people when you're in a relationship isn't wrong. People have every right to comment on that, even if it's not our business. I don't have to shut up about it because I'm not the one saying

If someone has agreed to be in a monogamous relationship with someone (assuming that Kanye and Kim have done just that), then you're unavailable, even if you sleep with someone who isn't your partner.

So then stop talking about it since it doesn't concern you and you're so above being judgmental and moralizing. People who are interested aren't going to stop talking about the situation, but you can.

Well you can think that they never agreed to be together but that doesn't mean you're right. All we know is that they are together and if that is the case, then he and this random model are both wrong.

But he never claimed that he and Kim weren't together.

Keeping my hands up high...what a terrible cover.

I don't see why the blame shouldn't be placed on both of them. She knew very well he had a pregnant girlfriend, and so did he. They were both in the wrong. There's no disputing that.

If she just wanted to bang him, she never would have shared this information. She would've banged him and went about her day.

"Says Leyla Ghobadi: "This is going to destroy the Kardashian family. It’s bad. It’s really bad. It’s just embarrassing. But if I were Kim and about to have a baby, I would want to know."

I love everything about Little Mix from their style, their music, their name...I wish nothing but success for these girls. I think they're much better than One Direction. At least all of them can sing. #sorrynotsorry #getatmedirectioners #umad

So sad. I can't imagine what it's like to have to deal with the things she has to deal with in her family, and having everyone around the world knowing your business. I'd consider offing myself too...but I'm glad she didn't "succeed" with her suicide attempt.

I could smell the ending from a mile away...she ends up not losing her virginity to that hippie lifeguard dude because she wants to lose it to someone special and she learns that being a virgin is okay and she finds her ~prince charming~ in college, loses her virginity to him, and lives happily ever after.