
“Bernard the prophet is very entertaining”

My brain exploded when I realized (late) that some characters not hosts, but humans on mind (fly) control?

I feel like thats what they’re doing now. They’re leaving threads dangling with a bit of evidence to see what gets talked about online. If you’re paying close attention and squint a little bit, I’d guess you can figure everything out ahead of time. Like, the moment Bernard said “It’s a weapon” my wife and I both said

I wonder if losing a couple episodes per season is a factor there. I’d say season 2 was by far the messiest overall, but it had space for a one-off like “Kiksuya”. Cut it down to 8 episodes, and I bet that and the Shogunworld stuff is all but streamlined away.

I still feel like this season is a far cry from season 1, and definitely doesn’t hit the highs of season 2, but it’s much more engaging than season 3. Of course, I never thought it was outright garbage like that hit piece slideshow from several weeks back. But there’s something this show just has that I enjoy but

I really am digging this new season as well. The world-buildings at the point where you can just groove with it, and enjoy characters you like and cool visual sequences.

So Harley GaGa or Lady Quinn or Lady HaHa.  

It’s crazy and makes no sense, but somehow it’s the only idea that makes any sense at all. I kind of love it. 

I really, really missed this, but as I platinum’ed it two days ago, this is not relevant to me anymore. Great game, but way too many weapons and suits and traps you just didn’t find any use for. And being colourblind, the “tag” option among all the colourful machine parts was just not helping, so I pretty much found a

I purposefully waited until this season had almost finished airing knowing that it will end the story, so I can binge it and cross the show off my list. I’m up to episode 10 now. Joke’s on me, I guess.

Well, shit. I finally started watching it this week and binged all of S1 in 3 days, because I was under the impression that the final season was now airing and I wouldn’t have to wait for months/years to get closure on whatever cliffhanger they end each season on.

I can’t recall a character I’ve ever wanted to slap the ever loving shit out of more than Sylens. Not kill, or jail, or come to terms with or engage in any introspective moral judgement, just one big home run Happy Gilmore wind up backhanded bitch slap right across the face.

Tip #24

When selling items, if you scroll down to the resources section, the first category that pops up is valuables to sell. You can mark everything by hitting the Triangle button, and then quickly sell it all by holding down X.

Great article! I completely agree about Ally’s isolation, from the very start of the game her loneliness and determination are key plot points.

You are my new favorite person.  Thanks!

Hi Friend!

Aw man I’m not bummed and glad there aren’t many “real life” scares this year. Those are always way scarier for me than the "got a bad feeling and later learned this house had something happen here" stories, but then again I'm also glad fewer people are being traumatized by like, the scary landlord creeping in through

Oooo this is wonderful. One quick note, I wrote ghost girl and it looks like the handle is a little off. I’m “Notyourstolove” rather than “notyourlostlove.” Thank you!

Yay! I’ve been looking forward to this all month!!