
How they managed to screw something up so badly is beyond me. I cannot think of a single thing they changed that was an improvement. It doesn't help that sometimes even the episode menu doesn't work, meaning you're stuck watching whatever episode that's currently on (See: The Walking Dead).

I agree with all your points. Good job.

Hey, at least they were kind enough to put the part we actually wanted to see first. They could have been mean and stuck it at the end. Or, if they really wanted to be straight up evil, they could have snuck it somewhere in the middle so that you can't find it.

Like JGab says, it depends on where you move. For the most part though, expect 90% of the people you meet to think you're British. Most people won't make fun of it though. American's love British/Australian accents.

I'm actually reading Mockingjay right now. I'm reading at an embarrassing slow rate of about 1.5/2 minutes per page. I'm pretty sure a 6th grader would beat me at this rate. At about 400 pages, it will take me about 600/800 minutes (10/13.3 hours) to finish. Of course, I could read it a lot faster, but I'm not

No I think you are right. I think their predefined numbers are off. I don't know many people who read at 800+ words per minute as their leisurely pace. A lot of people here on Giz are posting their times and then stating that they cheated and "skimmed".

I don't think intelligence really plays into this very much (unless you were attempting to speed read or something). People read at different rates, and visualize different thing when reading. I don't like any inconsistency when I'm reading a novel so I normally read slower(292 wpm) to make everything I visualize is

I got a lowly 292 WPM, where as according to the chart I should be around 450 or so at my age. That's okay, I was using my real "book reading" speed. I like to recreate every small detail I can and play it as a movie. Adding in things not in the book and making sure I get voices to match the faces and such.

Same. The picture gives you just enough to make out the brand, but not enough to know definitively which model (unless there is some small detail I'm missing).

I actually own a TSX, and can confirm that the grill is not that large vertically. I didn't want to state too much of it, since I wasn't sure about the distortion from the picture. Now that I get a better look, I agree that it is pretty large.

Agreed. If there was a warning before hand, there would be no fault. Seeing how there wasn't, there should be some sort of compensation.

Oddly enough, I've noticed PSN players to be far worse than 360 players. My brother has a PS3 and constantly gets teammates who refuse to revive anyone or simply spam the same attack over and over till they die.

The Justicar is a lot of fun to play with. Biotic Sphere (with warp) plus Reave is killer. Plus, she's pretty handy with a shotgun.

I would say either a 04-05 Acura TSX or a third gen Acura TL.

I agree with Randall Munroe (Mr. XKCD for those who don't know) on this one. Everyone has to start somewhere. What's the point of making them feel bad about it?

Also, "moving forward" and "emotionally engaging". Can't forget those.

My cock has no limits....

Thanks for sharing your incredibly insightful and well thought ou-

Ten hours isn't bad at all! I'm sure you live longer the more you play as well.

I've always thought this myself. Even as a kid I've wanted a realistic zombie game. It's about time someone comes and shows there is a market for them.