
I normally don't bother to read longer comments. Everyone has their stories and opinions. I don't have the time (or the will) to read through them all.

Hum.. Maybe this will give Netflix a little time to catch up. We are still back at Series 17.

What zsakul2 said. Kotaku is just a place hired bloggers write. Each have different opinions.

If you take the indoctrination theory as truth, there is only one good ending.

Just when you though every one was finally starting to move on with their lives...

Yeah, I always though it was odd Skrillex was branded dubstep, then in turn everything like Skrillex ended up "dubstep" as well. It's fine if you like it I guess, but they should at least call it the right thing.

I think a way they could get around it is have biotics act how they were in ME2. You could only be affected by them if your shields and armor were down. That way you wouldn't randomly be tossed in the air all the time.

But... What if they somehow make it better than Steam? (unlikely, but bear with me)

I'm with Luke. I don't see anything.

Same here.

Oh really? Man that went a bit more sour than I was expecting.

Good thing this really works! I was afraid it may have been Pulp Fiction.

I'm normally not impressed with console graphics when compared to PC. I am impressed by console graphics when I think about how much they had to work to pump out graphics out of such old hardware.

I got it.

Oh to be young(er) again. Those were the happy days. My friends and I had a game called "Mutants" where we would each have two power and beat the hell out of each others.

Haha no worries! Such are the problems with text based communication. It's hard to decipher the other's meaning.

I can't tell if you are serious or not, as sarcasm doesn't travel well over the internet. I was agreeing with Charliehorse by mimicking the author. If you saw my comment as useless and dumb, then mission accomplished.

Hey look a new comment. Comments are useless and really dumb. That's why I'm writing a comment about them. No I'm not going to tell you why they are dumb, I'm just letting you know they are.

It's stuff like this that makes me wish I had a PS3.

Assuming that their current standards are the so called "quality standards", I can only imagine how buggy this game must have been.