
Thank you! I was just checking the comments to see if anybody had linked to these. And double thank you because I couldn't remember the artists names!

I sat down on the couch when I got home the other day to drink some water and chat with my boyfriend before I realized I was making myself ill. You'd think yoga clothes wouldn't hold the smell of sweat like that?! I can't imagine what these ghastly things would do.

My cheaper version recipe:
French press of TJ's Joe coffee
Tablespoon of ghee or grassfed butter (probably the most expensive ingredient)
Tablespoon of coconut oil (I get mine at Costco, so it's cheaper)

Given the amount of sweat that pours out of every inch of my body in a yoga class (it's hot yoga), the only place I go afterward is the shower. I can't imagine going anywhere in sweaty jeans. Yoga or not.

While I do think that his being overseas is part of why this is a complicated story, I think he would also have every right to be pissed if he took a month long vacation to Europe and his girlfriend sold the dog then too. Military aside: Man goes away, leaves dog with girlfriend. Girlfriend sells dog to shithead

Unrelated to anything about the actual story: I love your Little Mermaid anecdote! I asked for a puppy for Christmas every year until I was 18 years old. I have 18 stuffed animal dogs to prove it. Not once was Christmas ruined because of it.

Was there a high contrast lip liner involved? Please tell me there was!

1990 is exactly what I thought the second I saw those shoes! For shame!

Same here! Or skype and wine dates for my friends who live far away! ThatI hate being tethered to my phone 24/7. I'd totally ditch it if I didn't have a job that required me to be in communication.

Yes, but lots of people on this thread seem to think anyone who hates voicemail is an asshole. In all honesty, just text me about a time to meet up and I'd love to talk to all my friends face to face!

I really do appreciate that. I could go on and on about the trials and tribulations of this friendship. I really could. I love my friend dearly and we have known each other for more than half our lives, so I have no intention of kicking her to the curb. But she is the same friend who gets on my case for not

I really just channel all my anger into one comment on a thread and then I carry on with my day. IRL I'm more go with the flow. I promise.

Um, I was just venting. If you want the full story, I'm not actually the inconsiderate one. My friend doesn't work. She calls me 3 times a day when she knows I'm working just because she's bored. She tries to catch me before I get in the office, when she thinks I'm taking my lunch, and then when she knows I'm

Oh so true. So sad but true. :)

I am also an underwear devotee! I average at least three pairs a day (daytime, workout, post-shower). I have enough pairs to last me a solid 6 weeks if my washing machine ever broke.

While I don't think ALL voicemails are inconsiderate, I do hate the majority of them. Voicemails my employees leave me at work are great and useful. Voicemails from my best friend who lives across the country are also awesome (we have opposite schedules, so we chat back and forth via vm and I'm totally ok with it).

Thanks for the new info! This definitely calls from some research on my part! I try not to be preachy, but my thoughts on food have been shifting significantly due to some adult onset allergy type crap that I've been dealing with. It's so hard to stay on top of what's good/bad/right/wrong/hippy/right-wing/etc etc.

Cool. Thanks! Although I might actually fall into that category indirectly based on my shopping preferences, sustainability, yadda yadda. Good to know. But I am NOT anti-vax!

What does anti-ag mean? Google only tells me it's "anti-aging" which I'm sure isn't what you're talking about.

Ahh! Yes! I felt so liberated when I went to college and could waltz around in spaghetti strap tops. Sadly, it was the year 2000 and those stupid thick strapped tank tops had become all the rage. This is probably why I still dress about 4 years behind the times.