
Perhaps a learning disability in middle school doesn’t mitigate your involvement or responsibility in helping your husband murder 49 people.

Hey! 7 hours after I posted about it, Jezebel finally writes the most minimal thing possible.

You sound like the nazi - wanting to restrict books from being written because you don’t agree with the message...

I’m confused - you don’t want his book to be made and sold because you don’t agree with his message... and Trump is the nazi?

I never wonder why simpletons stick to simple labels. It’s all they can manage.

Dude, that woman had been a US Senator and the Secretary of State, at a time when those titles meant something. She’s Madame Secretary to you.

I’m sure you have a point in there somewhere.

Thanks for choosing to prove me right. You enjoy this level. I’d suggest you hold your nose, but I doubt you’d listen and you’re probably used to it by now.

Oh look, it’s one of those easy answer people I was just discussing.

Of course.

Women are disproportionally represented in low wage jobs. Sure, this is surprising to no one.

My god will the hunt for people to blame never cease? What is with you? How many enemies do you need? Why, at the end of the election, are liberals so set on finding out-group enemies rather than looking in at ANYTHING they do or say?

Notably absent from this list, Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Shultz. They might have been Trump’s opposition but there is no way we have a president Trump without them.

You mean, without white men, the 53% of white women voting for Trump would have magically disappeared? The majority of people who share the same race and gender with Hillary Clinton chose not to vote for her, but hey let’s not mention this irrelevant little tidbit!

Can we have a article titled ‘Women Who Got Away With It in 2016?’

When I clicked on this I said “Bet its a list o white dudes”

Alabaster as fuck

Look, I’m just as disappointed in this election’s outcome as anyone. But could we all stop with the fucking crying about it? Seriously, put on your fucking big boy and big girl pants and start figuring out what to do now. Jesus fucking
Christ on a stick.

I have been listening to Christmas music for hours while I marathon bake today. Can’t possibly get enough.

You should not be hopeful, you should be alarmed. An electoral college vote that does not end in Donald Trump getting 270 of the EVs he needs to become president ends in mass violence and maybe the disintegration of our fragile republic.

This is one of those moments that makes me wonder about democrats...are we stupid? I feel like we might be.