
Did you say the same thing when Obama and Clinton both have said what Trump said?

Are you telling a black person what her own words mean?

Its Jezebel, you can say any racist thing you want as long as its about white people.

I think most white people would be more than willing to talk about racism but are constantly told that their opinions on the subject are bad/wrong/stupid regardless of what their opinions are so most white people don’t bother anymore. Especially if they challenge any possible point made by any POC they get labeled a

I dont even care anymore.

Am I losing my mind here? Every white person is racist? This is OK now to make blanket statements about millions of people and expect zero blow back? If this is the hill she expected to die on and make a name for herself with, super. But for those of us that are not try-hard but actually trying, go fuck yourself.

and that’s why 94% of us who voted supported HRC.

Racing really, really doesn’t give a fuck about your appearance. Not one bit. Like not even a little. Nope. Doesn’t care. All that matters in racing is winning. If you win, nothing will hold you back. Just ask Lewis Hamilton.

So, let’s just take young Straus here. 27th in MX5 Cup. Not winning. IMSA? 9th overall with a

The private highschool

Yep, I’ve witnessed it first hand, women getting multiple engineering scholarships, multiple job offers right out of school despite having much lower GPAs as their male counterparts.

Exactly what I would expect from someone like you. Good job on holding up your sad stereotype.

This might be difficult for you, since you obviously have trouble with reading comprehension, but I said nothing about having issues or (using your pathetic attempt at being patronizing) “being frightened” about women or girls.

So articulate. You and I have no clue what context that was said or who said it.

Yet she shuns tips from other drivers who have far more experience.

Oh, so you’re making some kind of social commentary about how women are the future and toting your SJW flag as high as you can run it?

An adult and a kid looking into a car? What’s your point?

Almost, but not quite.

Treating people unequally is not the path to equality.

What the ever living fucking fuck? I am, and this is no joke, making a fucking therapist appointment. I have lost all sense of wtf, and I lack the capacity to understand it and the strength to ignore it.

Maxine Waters is a fucking idiot. Claims Putin is invading Korea. she is an airhead. People need to stop looking to her, she is not the next great democrat.