“As tempting as it may be to treat restaurants like a Disneyland theme park, employees are not part of the decoration.”
“As tempting as it may be to treat restaurants like a Disneyland theme park, employees are not part of the decoration.”
Or you can do your part by frequenting establishments that have unattractive and plain looking staff.
Remember when these “best soccer players in the world” were taking to twitter to take enjoyment out of the men getting humiliated by Argentina in the Copa?
Sounds like Feig is the one that needs to get over it. People weren’t interested, and then they actively started hating it when Sony and news sites world wide started a hate campaign over the criticisms. The James Rolfe thing was when I personally decided that this movie wasn’t seeing a dime of my money.
I must be a raging misogynist because I’m not sure what he said that merited a leave of absence.
People like you are what give feminism a bad image.
Nah — he knows what he’s doing when it comes to addressing a crowd. It won’t be a debate, it’ll just be a sustained attack speech.