
i just snorted. A++++


This pretty much summarizes it!

I am gonna call it right now and here; within a year or so (yes, I am being optimistic), EA has completely forgotten/abandoned EA Originals.

It had the perfect formula. There weren’t any gimmicky moves that had to be earned, the introduction of warp rooms gave you a great sense of immersion, the art design was phenomenal (my favorite of the series), the gems hunt made the world feel more nonlinear. They vastly improved the difficulty scale and the level

I’m fully up for having female main-protagonists, but I see no reason for an existing and established character to have his gender changed just because #equality.

Shhh we’re all going to get through this, maybe. I mean whats the going rate for plasma right now?

Funny, 100k people on that server disagree. Millions of people asking for the servers disagree. 7 million playes who have quit (most screaming its because the game is now shit) disagree.

As some one who’s highlight reel is 6 videos of Mercy, I say thank you, friend. I sure as shit ain’t getting a POTG from her.

Yes!! Me too!

Me too, it is the only acknowledgment they are going to have and they deserve it.

As a 50 hrs Mercy, thank you.

And never vote for Reapers, McCrees, or Bastions. NEVER.

Nobody gives us healers any credit, but when we do get it, it’s like 8 votes and it makes it all worth it.

Same here. They need more love.

i always vote for healers > tanks > dps > maybe trump > bastion

I love your attitude...

A Healer works well when DPS understand positioning and don’t keep moving around like a 3 years old kid. (except Tracer and Reaper that need to be all around)

But seriously, fuck Mei.