
I actually enjoyed the news segment because it was nothing but witty banter between hosts.

Really, ActionTrip? “Master-Chief Lookalike Marine”? Really?


The awful fat caster bitches are my least favorite enemies in the game. I don’t know what it is about their attacks, but I just can’t even figure out how to properly dodge all their shit and they stomp me into the dirt if I don’t get a free backstab on them... Especially the one in Cathedral of the Deep where you have


“The Division blows-”

Ya know, when things get too peaceful everyone finds anything to complain about.

Another thing I hate about the internet and social media. Everyone suddenly has sand in their genitals over something, anything and everything.

Yeah, think if somebody disrespected Abraham Lincoln by turning him into a vampire hunter or something ridiculous. I would theoretically lose my shit.

There’s also the fact that other regions can get better if they’re not exposed to talent that Koreans bring to the table. I think this move could stifle growth.

I wasn’t aware of that but it does interest me. RE4 proved to me that when it’s tailored to the Wii, it can be as good as or a superior experience.

As someone only recently tracked the game down and who will now always praise the merits of The Forgotten Sands Wii and shout its glory to everyone in earshot, thanks for making a brilliant, charming, engaging, creative, joyous game that made this lifelong Prince of Persia fan happier than he’s been in nearly a decade.

Having worked directly on Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands - Wii, I just want to add that this was a project made full of motivated gamers and developers.

We even implemented an achievement system, while the Wii didn’t have any.

Maxime worked his ass so that they game would run at 60 FPS.

Some crazy level designer

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands on the Wii is a real hidden gem.

Botters are annoying, but at least you can easily kick them with votes.

Yeah - and we should probably burn all the books that don’t line up with our point of view as well.

The United States Navy currently has commissioned 1 Afloat forward staging base, 10 aircraft carriers, 9 amphibious assault ships, 2 amphibious command ships, 9 amphibious transport docks, 54 attack submarines, 14 ballistic missile sumbarines, 22 cruisers, 62 destoryers, 12 dock landing ships, and 4 guided missile

Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.