The greatest sin of Angry Birds 2 is that it breaks the fundamental formula that Rovio themselves once perfected to make their games so addicting: the instant retry.
Quick! Tell us the last time the F-35 beat an older plane in a combat exercise?
Mouse over the “Filed Under” tags and click the name of the game. You’ll get this:…
Metal or mute, no inbetween for doom.
I wasn’t very impressed. Anyone else feel the same?
Get banned, jerk. You’re a perpetuation of the CoD culture we all hate.
Please let this be a rocket-jumping, too-many-enemies-on-screen, explody-barrel fragfest, and not a moody corridor walker.
Just make the movement speed fast, for the love of god.
Man, I’m preeeeetty sure Tree Hugger was high as a kite the whole time.
In before mindless pony haters. I do not like the show personally but whenever I see people hating on it for no reason other than “it is a girls show” all I can think of is how sad your life must be. I can’t stand people like that, you might as well be as bad as those who hate gay marriage or black people.
Proud daddy moment was my daughter telling me Snake’s box was just on TV.
Can we please stop doing this? If you don’t like a show, game, movie, book, or what have you, just move on.
As someone who wasn’t overreacting to the mods thing, I find I’m agreeing with 100% of what’s being said.
“Fuck these guys with Mjölnir”?
Rep. Rob Taylor (R) attended, but turned his back during the blessing. This, he believes, is what Jesus would have done. “Jesus would be in the chamber, from my perspective. He would passively protest,” he told reporters.