No one thinks of Disney’s Bolt movie.
No one thinks of Disney’s Bolt movie.
Honestly though, I'm confused. What should I believe to not be a misogynist? Should women show cleavage and be objectified by men? Or should they show cleavage because they are free to do whatever they want with their bodies? It is misogyny when a woman uses her body in a sexual manner to attract viewers? Is it bad…
sigh. if you can't take the heat, stay out of the fire.
Dragon Ball manga is 1000000x better than the Anime.
Don't you mean #FISTworldproblems? I'll see myself out (slams door).
Um, my skepticism for this reboot has now reach the size of a Twinkie 35 feet long weighing approximately six hundred pounds.
6. Learn CS666 (software politics) and you can (sometimes) forget about it. Refuse to learn it, and it'll be with you forever. As we get older, we tend to see the value in transferable and general skills: functional programming rather than Spring/Hibernate; algorithms rather than quirks of a Java 1.4 legacy system.…
This montage brought to you by Destiny's very, very forgiving auto aim.
You have to understand the entire pipeline and scene building process to understand what has changed. If they did their job right you won't notice anything visually different about the scenes.
My friend, it is clear you have not seen this movie and are basing all your assumptions on the hyperbole of disappointed fans. So let's see if I can help you out a bit.
Except it doesn't really prevent it.
He said that harrassment shouldn't be conflated with gamersgate, which it shouldn't. It would be like someone talking about the abuse of women and someone remarking "Oh, obviously you're talking about NFL players, right?"
Kind of off topic-ish, but...