In the grand scheme of things, what is more important?
In the grand scheme of things, what is more important?
That “I put a black boy behind bars for life over an accidental killing” is a significant part of her answer to “how have you helped black communities?” says an awful lot about her career in the first place, little of it good. And if he’s behind bars on some bullshit to boot, that should be the end of the line for…
As someone all for trying to put more thought into the language used and it’s appropriateness going forward, I’ll ultimately have to admit this fell short of convincing.
You’re super good at logical fallacies. Like, crazy good.
Other synonyms for savage:
What an incredibly disingenuous take on what I was saying and how incredibly naive to think a words meaning and context can’t change over time or isn’t inherently tied to how the person is using it in their language.
Man, I certainly appreciate that there are other perspectives out there than my own, but as someone who likes to think they’re incredibly sympathetic (empathetic when I can be), shit like this drives me absolutely nuts.
Because bludgeoning an animal is so much more humane then a bullet. Fucking moron.
Go to a southern breakfast buffet and they have chicken strips on the same station as the biscuits and the country gravy. You have not lived until you had a chicken biscuit sandwich smothered in country gravy.
mind you I am an eating machine, my metabolism at the time was somewhere in the 15-25,000 Kcal range
McGriddles are the only reason to get out of bed before noon.
Yea, McGriddles bread is spongy, but that just adds to the taste, IMO. Never had the chicken (as the biscuit has usually been the only one allowed), but the Bacon, Egg, and Cheese McGriddle is delicious.
Its politics... it always comes back to politics. I don’t want to get into the specifics of it but Canadian Criminal Justice is VERY oriented towards rehabilitation even if that person may not be ready. Very few people, even some of the worst murders get actual life in prison, regardless of how violent the crime. To…
i wrote a long essay in highschool about how grapes was outright communist propaganda (which was apparently an argument a senator made at the time and where i got the idea.) I didn’t much like the book on its narrative merits, so i decided to be cheeky and at least make my essay fun to write.
the irony is i got a B in…
As a precocious kid I’d decided to read Tom Sawyer and then Huckleberry Finn back to back. I mentioned this to my teacher, who then went on to wax rhapsodic about Huckleberry Finn and express her dismay that I vastly preferred Tom Sawyer (I had even reread it after finishing both books). She very solemnly told me that …
Ugh. The Godfather. Shit book that became a great movie. It’s been 25 years since I read it, but it feels like half the book was spent on Lucy’s vaginal surgery to accommodate Sonny’s huge schwang. Truly a classic.
The solution here is simply for people to be a) good hosts and b) good guests. That means accommodating reasonable requests for special meals when you invite people into your home, and not making unreasonable requests when you visit someone else’s home.
Or, don’t bring picky children to dinner parties. I don’t really know why people are throwing dinner parties and inviting young children to them, but apparently this is a thing.
Yeah, this article exists in some bizarro world I would never want to live in. My child has her times when she’s a picky eater. That’s on us and shouldn’t put anyone else out.
I agree that it’s not a hospital move to serve an ‘adult’ meal or not make an attempt to serve food your guests will enjoy.
I don’t know if I can agree with this take. I don’t even accommodate my own children in this way. I know that there are certain meals they don’t particularly enjoy, but I make them all the same. We don’t force them to eat things they don’t like, but at dinner they can eat as much or as little as they choose of the…