
Okay but if you order an omelet or eggs and bacon or whatever it comes with a potato AND a toast of some kind. Are you saying this is wrong?? Which would you send back?? Have you not had a breakfast burrito with potatoes?? Why should I have to choose between a root vegetable and a grain?

My go to since college (when it was a hangover cure) is going to McD’s getting the sausage mcmuffin, hashbrown, and large Dr. Pepper. Put that hashbrown on the sandwich and bam wondrous. Plus it only cost three bucks plus tax.

Riddle me this. How does one lawfully elect officials when the district lines have been gerrymandered to prevent exactly that outcome? What recourse does a population have when the tools for peaceful democratic process have been stripped away?

Yes, you are equating the crime of vandalism and property damage with the crime of murder. Thank you for admitting that you view vandalism and murder the same.

All they have to do is perp walk a murdering cop. Instead they arrest CNN.

My friend, all global white collar FCA workers took a 20% pay deferral effective March 30th.

I don’t understand why all CEOs (or whatever his job title is now) aren’t paid this way.

I really find it hard to understand how you can fault a company for correcting a pay error. This is not some elaborate plan to screw over the little guy, they are simply fixing an over payment.

While I am honored that you took time away from your busy schedule of setting peasants and their thatched roof cottages alight, I must inform you of your mistake.

Here’s my synopsis for this film:

I’m going to get a lot of hate for saying this but I think the reason a lot of people are bending over backwards to believe Ms. Reade is because the right has effectively weaponize “Believe women” to paint progressives as hypocrites and I think most people could have seen that coming a mile away. Unfortunately, issues

The Politico article could have been written about my sister. She did exactly the kinds of things attributed to Tara Reade. She was always in financial trouble, always asking for help, and more than willing to walk away and leave others holding the bag. She made up detailed stories about her life — like how she had to

I’m not sure this article really tracks with what Politico was doing. To go public with a sexual assault case against a powerful individual requires one of two things: evidence, or a leap of faith on behalf of the public.

“Never having struggled, never having been dishonest, and never having spoken positively of an alleged abuser.”

Would you say the same of Trump? You don’t know the exact circumstances of his life, so how can you judge any of his actions?

She could’ve fucking apologized instead of waxing poetic about her acting skills. 

In hindsight, I wish they’d found someone different for this crucial test case.  I don’t care how troubled your upbringing was, at some point you have to start to answer for yourself, and this lady is garbage who served only herself, to the great detriment of countless others.  

I don’t mind killing off the Mother. In hindsight it makes complete sense. Why else would Ted be sitting his kids down to tell them all about how he met their mother, with her nowhere in sight to offer her own bits and insights, if she was still in the picture?