Fuck that, if you don’t eat meat no need to lie about it. And anyone who doesn't agree too bad. And if you love meat, no need to defend yourself to a vegetarian.
Fuck that, if you don’t eat meat no need to lie about it. And anyone who doesn't agree too bad. And if you love meat, no need to defend yourself to a vegetarian.
How did you manage to not tell us about Cross Fit and Burning Man?You must be slipping.
The “I’m a vegan” circle-jerks are so much fun. They’d be even better if they weren’t wrong and so fucking frequent.
GTFO. Seriously. This is a diversion. It’s just as bad as if you were on The Takeout talking about cars. Unless we car people talk about the impact of cars, we’re getting nowhere with one of the biggest causes of climate change.
False! Not making babies is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact.
Correct me if I’m wrong David, but is a car that can at least turn over (albeit w/o spark plugs) automatically one of the most functional cars on your property?
It’s just good to be recognized.
It’s always worth taking seriously, if only for a moment, the possibility that a person is innocent of a crime for which they’ve been accused, or even convicted, but “the jurors were imposters,” whatever that even means, is a pretty good telltale sign that someone’s protestations are not particularly compelling.
I dislike TLJ, but I’m not sexist, I swear! I just dislike the new female character, dislike the other new female character, dislike the part where a third female character used awesome magic powers, dislike the fact that a male character got one-upped by a female character, dislike the fact that a different male…
Park it and forget about it.
Biology doesn’t respect your politics; it does what it does. That said, these results make me think of a bunch of loosely related points.
Interestingly, and perhaps correlated, the gene causing a predisposition to unnecessary drama and accommodation for self diagnosed medical issues is thriving.
The I6 was a hemi head wasn’t it?
The irony of you using “feminist” in your name is never lost on me. You consistently show your unsettled, deep-seated hate for women time and time again.
That is one of the things about victims that I often have to remind myself of: Victims are not always “likeable”. Whether their personalities have been so bent out of shape through close proximity to a narcissistic abuser, or whether they are just not my cup of tea - it doesn’t matter. Nobody deserves to be abused.…
This is something that cult leaders do: they recruit and then their member(s) will recruit more members - always through lies, deception, manipulation. Everything about this case is fucking textbook. Just to make this perfectly clear: I’m not condoning what Jocelyn Savage did. Recruiting more women and GIRLS into a…
She's barely 24. her brain isn't even fully developed yet. Fuck you, victim blaming POS.
Wow ok so you can only be a victim if you maintain a determined-by-others sense of respectability. Sure
She's been with him since her teens, she might not even know how you get a job or how to survive on minimum wage. Her youth was warped and she's probably missing a lot of skills most of us take for granted