
I did a lot of research on solar before committing. I’ve seen so many “I regret flexible solar” videos on YouTube. They get crazy hot spots, they can burn the roof of your camper/RV, they can delaminate rendering them completely useless, they’re less durable in the heat of the American Southwest, and they transfer all

All solar panels get hot and need airflow around them to get any decent lifespan. Rigid panels also just last longer.

it working. 

I am pro tall club sandwiches with 3 pieces of bread.

“It’s like people only think there’s one set of criteria that makes a movie “valid” or “important” or “good”: theirs.”

The fact that not one MCU movie is on here but Spring Breakers is tells me this list is shit.

This is the beginning of the huge smokescreen under which he will resign for “health reasons”. And by “resign” I mean “chicken out so as not to be impeached”.

Careful, simply making that argument means you’re a “whiny fanboy” or some such bullshit that gasping idiots like to say.

Nope. They have spandex in them, so they’re automatically bad.

Winter Soldier definitely deserves a spot on this list

This needed to be said. 👍🏽  🏍💨

There are bold motorcyclists and old motorcyclists. Not both.

Some bikers think they are the cops. They get mad and mirror smash as retribution for minor shit. And man, don’t lane split.....ever. I mean talk about unpredictable. Cars don’t expect two or more “new” lanes just for bikes and they get mad also when they

The problem with Juul isn’t that “it’s cool.” The problem with Juul (and other American e-cigarette companies) is that they allow much higher levels of nicotine in the product, which does against the notion of the e-cigarette as a nicotine weaning product and more simply as an alternative nicotine delivery system,

When they link to the worse post on Splinter by the worst blogger Libby Watson, it’s probably BarackaObama’s new account.


I will occasionally watch some motovlog youtube compilations of biker vs. car road rage, and it amazes me how easily avoidable most of the stuff is. There’s a lot of “I had the right of way” dick swinging but often it’s just a case of one of the two parties being pissed off that the other one passed them.

My take is

The flip side is important too. Drivers need motorcyclists to be predictable in their actions.

I once had two subordinates that “HATED” each other. Every day, one or both of them would come to me bitching about something the other one did. (They were both pretty useless in fact) One day while “J” had stopped me to bitch about something that “K” did, “K” walked by. I stopped her and asked her if she had done

Hating milk seems to be one of those opinions that has just become extremely popular (like hating the word “moist”, which I don’t believe most people actually feel *that* strongly about) and that people are now just using a personality substitution. Milk is good but some people can’t digest it; there’s no reason for