
Dr. Luke has ALLEGEDLY done a horrible thing. This is simply a he said - she said situation. No evidence. But if the court of public opinion says you’re guilty, you must be guilty! Forget about due process or the possibility that if it were your father, son, brother or uncle you wouldn’t want people automatically

As I mentioned in my post, I am not ready to give benefit of the doubt to anyone because I WAS NOT THERE. You cannot make assumptions based on accusations, ESPECIALLY just one. You are endorsing the idea that just because a woman SAYS that she was raped, it means that she was. That thinking in itself is naive and

That’s not fair. Let’s assume (this is all theoretical of course) you had pioneered someone’s career: Signed them, produced all of their hits, etc, etc, etc and for whatever reason they started making false, hurtful accusations against you that were ruining your reputation, simply because they wanted to get out of

While it might be frustrating, it is also very true. Just as true as the fact that many women are raped and deprived of justice. It is important to remain aware of the realities of both situations as to not become biased and ignorant. That’s the only way that true progression can happen for victims of rape, and

I don’t understand what it so wrong with everyone being allowed due process in this country? The fact that people side so quickly with Kesha’s accusations and quickly condemn Dr. Luke demonstrates an extreme bias in rational thinking and a great undermining of the premise of innocence until proven guilty! There is no