Adam Withers

When it comes to IT, I can’t see any reason to go into the office more than a couple times a month. I’m fully remote and my wife’s team just went 100% remote and eliminated their office space. I just can’t see how companies can justify office space costs for IT employees. It makes zero sense. It’s pretty easy to see

It really goes to show you how much the pandemic disrupted the corporate status quo that rules the entire country and how much they don’t care for the worker class.

Naturally. The reason: Commercial Real Estate, aka the next big bubble to burst.These corporations spent millions on new facilities they likely received massive tax breaks on under the guise that the company would drive revenue for local businesses. A lot of these executives are members of planning boards explicitly

I’m always astonished by the inability of the English-speaking world to spell “rogue”, even though Nissan sells some 300,000 of the things per year in the US alone. Given that “rouge” is originally a French word, you’d think the misspelling would be in the opposite direction, but language is always a fascinating unpred

But going after Sanderson as the face of Mormonism is incredibly self-defeating, Sanderson doesn’t really stand for or support a lot of the political positions that people loathe about Mormonism (Except in that he continues to profess his faith).  He’s certainly no conservative despite people desperately trying to

LexW you’re coming across a lot more angry and toxic than the person you replied to. It’s jarring to read. 

It’s because of the way journalism is taught in college-level courses a lot of the time. Who are we studying in these classes? Norman Mailer, Joan Didion, Tom Wolfe, Hunter Thompson — the great longform essayists. But all of them are personality-driven, whether they intended to be or not, who approach social

As someone with no real opinion on Sanderson or Wired, I think there is the basic issue of an interview, like all news, is really filtered through the lens of the interviewer. Kehe seems to not like Sanderson much, but saying things like “I never got anything real from him” is pure pontificating that takes away from

This Wired article wasn’t criticism, it was a hit job. The dude basically hated Sanderson from the get go and in spite of all the evidence that he’s a nice guy decided “hey fuck this guy”

I like Sanderson’s books, they’re definitely popular because they’re accessible and competently delivered as opposed to dazzling the reader with prose but there’s no shame in being the MCU of fantasy books.

The presumption in this country is innocence.

hey quick question: what the fuck are you talking about

I’ve always thought what was so compelling about The Last Jedi was the way Johnson saw Campbell’s Hero’s Journey to the end. Think about Odysseus or Beowulf. Their story didn’t end with their grand victory, but with a heroic but sacrificial acknowledgement that their time had come and gone. I liked it, but considering

Well, the one movie that actually did try to take some big risks, was panned by a select group of Star Wars fans, and because its numbers didn’t reach the previous incredibly safe entry, they chose to go back to being safe and so we got another very generic Star Wars movie.

In an ideal situation, the writer would stay on through production to help made edits while filming. Think of the Argo guy who wrote Rise of Skywalker and was on set with Abrams all the time, or Jonathan Kasdan with Last Jedi. Stuff like this is not uncommon, though, it just means someone else needs to either pick it

Akechi is a cop that murdered Futabas mother, which in turn made Sad Coffee Dad Sojiro a bachelor for life. There is nothing to like with this kid. I’m glad he died and I hope he is revived to die again. Fight me.

as long as you are not poor or you know... you know... =/

And what kind of manly man would “fear for his life” if someone throws a water bottle at his car?

Wait so randomly shooting out of a moving vehicle in public, because you thought your car got shot (which did they ever find bullet holes?)...Oh after he CUT SOMEONE OFF, constitutes as a reasonable action? nah the dude has no self control or humility to de-escalate the situation with a “I’m sorry wave” to the driver

The world is truly sick. Meanwhile, people go to jail for attempting to have their kids attend a better school than they can afford.