Adam Withers

The biggest quandary I can think of for my players in the last game I ran (which was too long ago - I am deeply jealous of people who have the time to still play regularly) was one involving what was essentially a huge murder-cult.

Yeah, I’d like to think so too, but we weren’t being conditioned to base our entire sense of self-worth on how many hits and likes we got. And we didn’t have games that got us psychologically addicted to throwing infinite money down a drain (though they certainly would have if they could have). The interaction between

I really do try so hard not to be the old guy hating on kids for being kids, but... uuugh. The stupid, inane, borderline- (or beyond) offensive shit I see kids getting up to on YouTube makes me feel twice my age and fading. And our future is only going to have worse versions of this kind of crap. Hell in a handbasket,

Siiiigh still no Zarya love.

...The bedroom wouldn’t have a shred of furniture left in one piece. The kitchen either.

I was gonna say, other than Tank, Isabella in DA2 fills all the roles in one. If only I could have ‘Bella and Bull in one party together...

Absolutely. This is a really, really good take.

I always love seeing how different artists try to deal with Guile’s hair. It’s so tricky to get the “feel” of it right! Few characters have such a wide swing between how cool they can look when done well and how bad they can look the rest of the time.

Agreed, but I’d say the same for any fast-paced 1st person game. The POV makes it extremely difficult to follow what’s happening if you aren’t the one playing. 3rd person is just so much more enjoyable to watch as a spectator.

I’d say the biggest divide comes in the sense of what a superhero even is. Because not all supers in American comics are from worlds where there’s that tension between normal people and capes (a la X-Men), but all of them tend to agree on what a hero’s role in society is. At least, what it ideally should be, so even

Trope or no, it’s terrible storytelling to have a student at a superhero academy frequently talk about murdering people he doesn’t like, actively declare his intention to kill a fellow student, and not have a single instructor take issue with it. There is a lot of this show that plays off Shonen tropes more than

Your wrongness knows no bounds, sir or madam. I can forgive you, opinions being what they are, but Bono? Bono sad.

MHA is “What if X-Men was Harry Potter, but in Japan?” It’s a great show, but what’s maybe most fascinating to me is to see such a foreign take on superheroes. On the one hand, it’s clearly made by somebody with a lot of love for them, on the other, it’s equally obvious there are major cultural factors that are lost

Bad take. BAD TAKE. But I will grant you that HTKK is a great song that encapsulates the Zooropa era perhaps better than anything on the Zooropa album. It’s like it takes the entire album and blends it into a single song.

AND THE BATMAN GAME TOO! I didn’t even know that existed until just now, and I wouldn’t have been able to afford that one either. Could somebody please put effort toward finding a way to do cool, fun, interesting board games at a sub-$60 level, please?!

Man, there is a real high price bar for getting into board games anymore, huh? Seems like all the best looking games run $70-90 now, which is a lot. I spent all month cutting corners to finally afford to buy into the Street Fighter Miniatures Game Kickstarter, and that’s the only one of these I’ll be able to justify

Fear, jealousy, and greed are the three cornerstones of modern conservatism. And when you mix them all together in the electorate, you get hatred, anger, and resentment. Thus, our current political climate.

I can hesitantly second this, with respect to the RHCP Higher Ground. Living for the City is one of my all-time favorite songs. All-time. No question. And I will sing the living fuck out of it in the privacy of my own home or automobile. But there is no chance in any hell that my white ass is doing that song at

Favorite celebrity couple. Still waiting on the release of The Splendiferous Zeppelin Escapades of Filliam H. Muffman. That thing’s gonna be a classic.

There’s more of us than you think, friend. But people who hate stuff spend more time and effort bitching online than people who enjoy stuff spend praising, so when something’s divisive it often looks like those against outnumber those in favor.