Adam Withers

That’s a nice token response, but it doesn’t work that way. In the first place, many games tie crafting (something many players enjoy) with a harvesting grind (something many players hate). To do the thing that’s fun, you have to sometimes spend hours being bored out of your skull.

Dammit, stop doing that! These stupid herb/berry/ore harvesting missions are choking the life out of RPGs and adventure games. Nobody likes them! They’re boring, they’re pointless, and worst of all they waste my time. It turns a fun game into busywork, and makes nobody happy.

You can find everything Comfort & Adam at We’ve done two comic series (one finished, an urban fantasy series called Rainbow in the Dark, and one ongoing The Uniques - like Teen Titans if it were on HBO) and a big how-to book, The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing Comics. The first issues of our

Thank you! Unfortunately, we don’t sell prints of our fan-art stuff online. We do boat-loads of cons across America - like, 17-20 a year. Hopefully you can find us out on the road sometime.

I’m gonna back up a second and apologize for the combative tone of my last post. It wasn’t necessary, and wasn’t helpful. I just get my buttons pushed when I feel like people are denegrating a whole field of work based on common misconceptions. So many people look at digital art and think there’s some kind of “Do

Your opinion is objectively incorrect. As an artist who has been trained in both traditional and digital work, they take different but equal amounts of skill. Furthermore, the presumption by so many people that digital art relies on “tricks” to help them measure up to classical works ignores how many tricks were

Thanks for the love, man. Glad you remember us!

Thanks for the compliment, Jared! Yeah, Comf and I do all our work together; we draw together, color together, write together - when we make our comics, they’ve got both of us pencilling, coloring, writing, and lettering in every panel of every page. It’s more of a symbiosis than a partnership. We’re like the

Thanks for the compliment! Comfort and I love Lion’s cat-ness as well. I’ve come to believe that pretty much all cats, regardless of size, are basically the same. Our house cats can show some pretty lion-like behavior, so why wouldn’t lions be the same way? They’re just way bigger.

Thanks so much for the feature! Comfort and I had a lot of fun putting that piece together. We’ve been mainlining the series for a couple months, and it’s one of those shows that just really made us want to draw. Sometimes the aesthetic of something is just so catchy that it becomes infectious.

Sooooo how ‘bout that PC version? Hmmm?

Missing those un-missable shots stays with you forever. Yesterday my wife was all “They said it was a 90% chance of rain today, and nothing happened! How can it be so sunny and dry on a 90% rain day?!” and I just said “That’s XCOM, baby.” Took her a minute, but she laughed. Maybe it was a pity laugh, but I couldn’t

Oh, I know. I had this teacher that would always ask me to do a William Shatner impersonation, but what he really wanted was my Patrick Stewart. I kept saying to him, “You can ask for Bill Shatner, but you’re getting the wrong impression.”

Look, this has been explained to you by myself and others. You don’t believe it, that’s fine. I get that. And your particular read on it is a common (mis)conception about how this stuff works. But a large part of my job has to do with understanding how copyright works, how derivative works function, where fan art fits

I’m not saying free of charge is fair use, I’m saying fair use is fair use. You can’t stop people from making drawings for their own amusement. Me making nice art of Ninja Turtles and putting it on Deviant Art is no different from a child doodling with crayons on scrap paper - it isn’t illegal, and is in fact

Whether or not the artist receives any royalties on their work is up to whatever their contract is. Creators on Marvel and DC books receive payments that are like royalties, but called something else as a legal hedge against anybody demanding better shares when movies get made.

Seriously, they went from industrial revolution to computers and portable game systems in 15 years.

Amen, brother. Which is why the trend of awesome looking games deciding not to bother with a story mode is frustrating for me.

I know that my idea of “fun” doesn’t include preventing others from having it. Or mindless, endless mayhem for the sake of it. Or just going around being a punk for kicks to see how ludicrously sociopathic I can pretend to be in a game. Maybe I’m old, too. Is 34 old? Am I an old man, now? I should just hang it in and

Just another nice visual example of why I don’t play games online. If I don’t have a buddy on the couch with controller 2, I’m gaming alone!