Adam Withers

It starts feeling like they’re doing the same stories over and over again. I’ve been bored with DC/Marvel for a long time, now. Long sinced moved to primarily reading Image, IDW, Valiant, and other indies, and I haven’t regretted the move once. I loved the big 2 but they don’t love me back anymore, you know what I

But they can’t handle male/female platonic relationships either. They had to put Superman and Wonder Woman together, busting the greatest platonic m/f friendship in comics. I agree that this feels fanservicey, but then everything they do with Harley seems fanservicey to me. Shrug.

You know, it’s been my experience that the people with the most natural talent, that require the least effort to succeed, often fail to appreciate their success. They’re so used to being able to do whatever they want and still win that the whole endeavor seems trivial. These people almost always turn into d-bags of

So excited! Not a lot of games have been a more pleasant surprise than XCOM:EU. Not a lot of games I’ve put more hours of my adult life into, either. If they changed nothing but added new levels and extended the plot (such as it was), that would be enough to make it a day-1 purchase for me. Anything above that is

Jedi hipster dual-wields Labatt’s Blue Lightsabers. Wears Carhartt robes. Uses awesome Force powers you’ve probably never heard of.

A story mode would make me play this game. Much as I love the art style and general design of it all, and really appreciate the total vibe of pure fun TF2 seems to engender, I have no interest in story-less FPS multiplayer shoot-em-ups. But slap a story mode on this and suddenly I have a real reason to look closer and

Y’know, it’s always the subtle details that bring art to life. The naturalistic detail of this girl having to pull her shorts out of her butt is such a great touch. It’s something you rarely actively think about, but the artist including it gives her such character. This is the difference between a simple pinup and

Simpsons loses a lot if they lose Shearer. He voices a simply stunning percentage of the characters on the show, and his skills as a voice actor and comedian bring more to the production than anyone will possibly realize until he’s gone.


Why couldn’t we get THIS armor in DA:I? I like it so much better than what Cassandra wore, and a million times better than any options for the Fighters. The armor design in that game was just not at all what I was looking for in a classical fantasy game.

Hey, I played a female dwarf rogue specifically to romance Iron Bull.

Hard to say what the timeline is, but I think this would take place before Sarah had the chance to get as ripped as she was in T2. I agree that Linda Hamilton was amazing, but this Sarah is just on her way to trying to get there.

Wow. Let’s... okay, let’s back this down a bit, shall we? Because I came for the conversation and wound up in a fight somehow. First off, if you read what I wrote as arrogant, I’m sorry I gave that impression. It wasn’t my intent. I was just trying to bring up a reason some people are against GMOs that wasn’t touched

First, your tone is counterproductive. In the first post I made on the topic, I specified that I wasn’t certain this was the case. I’m out here to learn, just like everybody else. The article didn’t touch on the biggest issue regarding GMOs for me, so I brought it up. If you want people to be open to learning new

Regardless of whether it is exclusive to them or not, it is a problem that involves GMOs. They are part of that larger thing, and until that problem is resolved they will continue being part. GMOs aren’t a red herring in agricultural patents, as that would suggest that they aren’t patented agriculture - they are. And

Because not every invention is the same. Because it’s food and food should belong to the public good not a private entity. Because these patents are used to strongarm and destroy people trying to farm without paying these gatekeepers. The ability for farmers to keep their own seeds year to year and reuse what they

I meant to specify that GMOs are the only food that can be patented, but I wasn’t clear enough about that and spoke too broadly about the general patenting of living things. And while some good rulings have come down involving isolating naturally-ocurring gene sequences and the like, a company creating seeds that are

I’d say there’s three good films worth of material, and then a little excess that didn’t need to be there.

There is one problem that is (I believe) unique to GMOs - the ability to copyright life. Nobody should be able to own the exclusive right to a living thing. What’s the end-game? First you own the right to corn, then you ensure people can only use your corn, then become the exclusive gatekeepers of the ability to grow