After posts about people’s bodies, this is the worst type of comment I can see here. So...congratulations for hitting the heights?
After posts about people’s bodies, this is the worst type of comment I can see here. So...congratulations for hitting the heights?
These are all shots of cosplayers taken at cons. So...yeah, let that hang in the air for a moment.
Sorry but knowing all of them, those are all cosplayers and some of the finest cosplayers I know.
Please explain. The term “Role Playing Game” is inherently broad, the only people I know who have a problem with it are tabletop and D&D purists.
Actually got to meet this photographer at Anime Expo. Pretty chill dude, and always loved his shots.
We’ve showcased his work a few times here on Cosplay, but always as part of some other post, so it’s about time we…
Finally, my life-long fantasy of hunting dinosaurs as a T-Rex can come true.